“Project management is like juggling three balls – time, cost, and quality.” – Geoff Reiss
Isn’t it impossible to be behind the scenes and in the spotlight at the same time? Not if you’re a Project Manager! Project management is a balancing act of contradicting skills. Sometimes you have to be the driver of change while someone else is at the wheel.
Many of us project manage without realizing it. Informal project management can look like a team meeting, a calendar reminder, or even a text checking in on your teammate. True project management is a responsibility to those communications, and the capacity to hold others accountable for the assignment. Project management practitioners and experts have different ways of describing the discipline of project management. One common way is to think of project management as balancing three key areas of time, cost, and quality of work:
Project management is an exercise in teamwork. Knowing your resources and the talents of your team will help you meet your deadlines, keep within your budget, and produce quality work.