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Communications and Delegation

“Teamwork divides the task and multiplies the success.” – Abigail Johnson

While all facets of communication are important, conversations focused on collaboration and responsibility help teams get work done successfully. Organize your meetings to foster teamwork and set clear expectations for delegating tasks. 


When communicating with your team, ensure that everyone understands the goal, and agrees to do their part to achieve it. Without this understanding, you’ll find yourself running into conflict along your project journey. Create opportunities for connection, such as recurring team meetings. Outside of meetings, encourage the use of chat and in-document comment functions so no one has to wait long for a response.  


Advice you will find repeated throughout the Leadership Learning Hub: always ask, never assume. Ensure everyone understands what aspect of the project they are responsible for, and the criteria of their deliverables. Keep the lines of communication open so you can answer questions and track the status of your projects. 

Resources  from the Enterprise

Enterprise Talent Development (ETD) offers Skills Development Courses on this topic. Review upcoming scheduled courses on the ETD website. 

From MMB’s Management Analysis and Development Department

Recommended by Successful Teams

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