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Title: Self-Service Storage Facility Sales of Insurance
Alternate Title:
An owner of a self-service storage facility, or the owner's employees and agents, may offer or sell certain kinds of insurance (see below) in connection with and incidental to the rental of space at a self-service storage facility. Minnesota Department of Commerce

Subject: Financial Institutions
Insurance Professionals
Creation Date: 1/26/2024 10:02:05 AM
Modification Date: 8/15/2024 5:47:32 PM
Agency Name: Commerce, Minnesota Department of
Agency URL:
Agency Description: The Minnesota Department of Commerce is the chief regulator for the banking, energy, insurance, real estate, securities, telecommunications industries and also operates Minnesota's Unclaimed Property.
Agency Phone: 651-539-1500
Agency Fax: Agency URL:
Agency Address:
85 7th Place East, Suite 500

St. Paul
Division Name: Financial Institutions Division
Division URL:
Division Description:
Division Phone: Division Fax: Division URL:
Audience: Application URL:
Renewal URL:
Versa URL:



Self-Service Storage Facility Sales of Insurance

An owner of a self-service storage facility, or the owner's employees and agents, may offer or sell certain kinds of insurance (see below) in connection with and incidental to the rental of space at a self-service storage facility. An owner and the owner's employees and agents are exempt from licensure as an insurance producer with respect to the sale of this insurance.


Required Filing

The Self Storage Insurance form (.pdf) must be filed by the owner or the owner's managing agent of the self-service storage facility. Submit the completed form and attachments via e-mail to with "Self-service storage filing" in the subject field. All locations in Minnesota at which the owner plans to conduct insurance sales must be listed in this filing. The owner must notify the Commerce Department within 30 days after commencing insurance sales at any additional locations in Minnesota by sending an e-mail to that lists the name, address, and city of each additional location. The e-mail must include "Self-service storage filing" in the subject field.

Period of Issuance:

Expire annually on May 31.

Length of Determination:
Other Info:
Activity: License Detail URL:

Self-Service Storage Facility Sales of Insurance


Minnesota Department of Commerce


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