Title: Continuing Education (CE) Program Approval
Alternate Title:
Description: Minnesota Board of Optometry
Subject: Optometry
Creation Date: 3/25/2019 12:19:25 PM
Modification Date: 6/10/2024 3:00:25 PM
Agency Name: Optometry, Minnesota Board of
Agency URL: https://mn.gov/boards/optometry/
Agency Description:
The Board of Optometry is responsible for protection of the public through the regulation of optometrists in the State of Minnesota. Regulation is accomplished through initial licensure education and examination, annual renewal, required continuing education, as well as investigation and resolution of complaints against licensees.
Agency Phone: 651-201-2762
Agency Fax: 651-201-2763
Agency URL: https://mn.gov/boards/optometry/
Agency Address: Optometry, Minnesota Board of
2829 University Avenue S.E., Suite 403
MN 55414
Division Name: Email
Division URL:
Division Description:
Division Phone: Division Fax: Division URL:
Application URL:
Renewal URL:
Versa URL:
Review CE Sponsors
Continuing Education Sponsors General Information:
Continuing Education Sponsors who provide CE to Minnesota ODs will now be required to validate the ODs participation by either:
For either method of CE approval, the sponsor is responsible to validate the active learning and participation and forward the documentation, electronically to the OE Tracker system, coordinated by the Association of Regulatory Boards of Optometry, (ARBO)
Minnesota CE Sponsor Request for General Optometric Education:
This should be used for Minnesota only continuing education approval. The CE Sponsor will receive an approval form with specific identifiers to be emailed to OE Tracker with the ODs listed with their OE Tracker number. An excel spreadsheet can be attached to the approval form is that is easier for the CE Sponsor.
Minnesota CE Sponsor Request for Experiential Approval:
This form should be used for preapproval of VOSH, Mini-Fellowships, Grand Rounds, lectures or publishing articles or books. Once approved by the MBO, the sponsor will send the documentation to the OE Tracker system via a board approval form.
Steps for Completion:
- Print off the appropriate CE Application Form and complete it per the listed instructions.
- Board staff will send an approval form listing out the essentials required for OE Tracker.
- The CE Sponsor will send the approval form with the listed OD and their OE Tracker number to COPE.
Rules: 6500.100 - .2900
Statutes: 145.711
Application forms are available from the Board and are available at CE Sponsors
General Approval - fee of $45 per speaker
Experiential Approval - $45 application fee for each speaker if not a Minnesota licensed OD.
Period of Issuance:
Length of Determination:
Other Info:
Activity: Optometry
Continuing Education
License Detail URL: