New Applicant - Dentist tab
Video Tutorials page
These video tutorials have been created by Board staff to provide assistance to applicants for licensure in a helpful visual format.
Internationally Educated Dentist
If you are an international applicant contact the Board office for more information.
Application for Licensure by Exam
Application for Licensure by Credentials
Application for Specialty Dentist
Application for Resident Dentist
Application for Limited Faculty
Application forms and information is available at New Applicant -Dentist tab
Licensure by Exam to Practice Dentistry
Non-refundable Fee: $341.25 (Application fee: $140, Background check fee: $33.25, Initial fee: $168)
Licensure by Credentials to Practice Dentistry
Non-refundable Fee: $926.25 (Application fee: $725, Background check fee: $33.25, Initial fee: $168)
Licensure to Practice a Dental Specialty
Non-refundable Fee: $926.25 (Application fee: $725, Background check fee: $33.25, Initial fee: $168)
Licensure to Practice as a Resident Dentist
Non-refundable Fee: $88.25 (Application fee: $55, Background check fee: $33.25)
Licensure to Practice as a Full Faculty Dentist
Non-refundable Fee: $341.25 (Application fee: $140, Background check fee: $33.25, Initial fee: $168)
Licensure to Practice as a Limited Faculty Dentist
Non-refundable Fee: $173.25 (Application fee: $140, Background check fee: $33.25)
Must be renewed. Renew biennially according to birth month and year.
Limited Faculty and Residents renew annually 7/1 – 6/30.