Title: Racing - Individual License
Alternate Title:
Minnesota Racing Commission (MRC)
Subject: Horse Racing
Creation Date: 9/11/2008 2:16:35 PM
Modification Date: 11/5/2024 9:52:37 AM
Agency Name: Racing Commission (MRC), Minnesota
Agency URL: https://mn.gov/mrc/
Agency Description:
“The Minnesota Racing Commission operates in the public interest to ensure the integrity of horse racing and card playing, oversee the proper distribution of funds back into the industry, and provide for the safety and welfare of the human and equine participants. Additionally, the Commission works to promote the horse racing and breeding industry in Minnesota in order to provide economic stimulus, offer residents and visitors an exciting entertainment option, and support agriculture and rural agribusiness.”
Agency Phone: Agency Fax: Agency URL: https://mn.gov/mrc/
Agency Address:
Canterbury Park Location 952-496-7950 | 952-496-7954 fax
Running Aces Location 651-925-3951 | 651-925-3953 fax
Audience: Hold
Application URL:
Renewal URL:
Versa URL:
Review Individual Racing License Application
Rules: 7877
Statutes: 240.08
Animal Chiropractor: $100
Association Employee:
- Full Time Employee: $35
- Part-time Employee: $15
Assistant Trainer: $25
Bloodstock Agent: $100
Driver: $35
Equine Masseuse: $50
Exercise Rider: $20
Farrier: $50
Farrier 's Assistant: $25
Gate Crew: $15
Horseperson’s Org: $15
Horseperson's Bookkeeper: $25
Jockey: $35
Jockey Agent: $35
Owner/Trainer/Driver: $100
Owner: -1 year $50 -3 year $150
Pony Rider: $15
Racing Official: $35
Stable Supervisor: $10
Trainer: $50
Valet: $10
Vendor Employee: $15
Veterinarian: $100
Veterinarian Assistant: $50
MRC Staff
Fingerprints: $25
Period of Issuance:
Length of Determination:
Valid upon successful completion of required application and fingerprinting, unless criminal background check or other rule violation proves otherwise.
Other Info:
Activity: Horse Racing
License Detail URL: