Title: Podiatrist
Alternate Title:
Description: Minnesota Board of Podiatric Medicine
Subject: Health Professionals
Podiatric Medicine
Creation Date: 9/11/2008 2:16:15 PM
Modification Date: 8/13/2024 9:51:13 AM
Agency Name: Podiatric Medicine, Minnesota Board of
Agency URL: https://mn.gov/boards/podiatric-medicine/
Agency Description:
The Board of Podiatric Medicine is the official licensure agency of the State of Minnesota and responsible for protection of the public through the regulation of doctors of podiatric medicine (DPM).
Agency Phone: 612-548-2175
Agency Fax: 612-617-2698
Agency URL: https://mn.gov/boards/podiatric-medicine/
Agency Address: Podiatric Medicine, Minnesota Board of
335 Randolph Ave., Suite 210
St. Paul
Division Name: Email
Division URL:
Division Description:
Division Phone: Division Fax: Division URL:
Audience: Hold
Application URL: https://pod.hlb.state.mn.us/#/login
Renewal URL: https://pod.hlb.state.mn.us/#/login
Versa URL:
Rules: 6900.0010 - .0500
Statutes: 153
The Board is entirely fee supported and receives no General Fund dollars. The Board is responsible for collecting sufficient revenue from fees to cover both direct and indirect expenditures, which is deposited as non-dedicated revenue into the State Government Special Revenue Fund (SGSRF). The Board has not raised its fees since 1999. Board fees are authorized in Minn. Rules 6900.0250 and are as follows:
Application for licensure - $600
Renewal license - $600
Late renewal fee - $100
Temporary permit - $250
Duplicate license or duplicate renewal certificate - $10
Reinstatement - $650
Exam administration to persons who have not applied for a license or permit - $50
Fee for verification of licensure - $30
Miscellaneous fee:
(1) labels - $25
(2) list of licensees - $25
(3) copies, 25 cents per page.
See Fees
Period of Issuance:
License to practice - From July 1 - June 30 every two years. Temporary permit - renewed every year during the June renewal period.
Length of Determination: Licenses issued when all requirements have been met.
Other Info:
Activity: Podiatrist
Podiatric Medicine, Practice of
License Detail URL: