Minn. Stat. § 237.131 prohibits telecommunications service providers and registered wholesale transport providers from knowingly contracting with a wholesale transport provider that is not registered with the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission (PUC). Minnesota Department of Commerce
Wholesale Transport Registration - MN Dept. of Commerce
Telecommunications Reporting - Public Utilities Commission
Minn. Stat. § 237.131 requires a wholesale transport provider to register with the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission. “Wholesale transport provider" means any person, firm, association, or corporation that carries, delivers, routes, or transports any telecommunications service subject to the commission's jurisdiction, directly or indirectly, but is not certified in Minnesota to provide retail telecommunications service to the public.
A wholesale transport provider is required to register the company name, address, a contact name, and a telephone number available to other carriers that will be answered within normal business hours, by June 20, 2016, or prior to the wholesale transport provider's initial offering of wholesale transport service in Minnesota, whichever is later. Wholesale transport providers shall update their registration information when changes occur, but no less frequently than annually.
A filing fee of $570
Certificates of Authority remain in effect indefinitely unless surrendered by the holder or revoked by the Commission.
Wholesale Transport Registration
Registered Wholesale Transport Providers
Public Utilities Commission (PUC), Minnesota