The Council for Minnesotans of African Heritage (CMAH) hosted its African Heritage Day on the Hill program on March 13, 2023 at the Minnesota State Capitol Rotunda. The program was in-person for the first time since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. The Council published a press release and created a video to showcase our Day on the Hill event focused on abundance with the African Heritage community. The press release is for immediate release across all media platforms. The video showcases speeches from Lt. Governor Peggy Flanagan, Attorney General Keith Ellison, President of the Senate Bobby Joe Champion, members of the United Black Legislative Caucus, CMAH Council Chair Nerita Hughes, and CMAH Vice Chair Wayne Doe.
CMAH staff would like to extend gratitude yet again to CMAH's Council, the Day on the Hill Planning Committee, which was comprised of the African American Leadership Forum, The Minneapolis St Paul Chapter of The Links, Incorporated, and The Greater Twin Cities (MN) Chapter of the Links, Incorporated, elected officials, event emcees, the State Facilities Department, our performers, our photographer, our videographer, and most importantly, YOU! It is an honor to represent and collaborate with you all each and every day at the State capitol. Without our constituent community, we would not exist.
Read the full press release here: /cmah/assets/2023%20CMAH%20Day%20on%20the%20Hill%20Press%20Release_tcm32-577512.pdf2023 CMAH Day on the Hill Press Release