Council Member Selection
The Council for Minnesotans of African Heritage is comprised of 15 members. As stated in Minn. Stat. § 15.0145 subd. 2. Eleven members of this council are public members appointed by the governor. Four members of this council are legislators. The Council will be comprised of the following:
- The Council for Minnesotans of African Heritage must include members who are broadly representative of the African heritage community of the state. The council must include at least five women. At least three members must be first or second generation African immigrants, who generally reflect the demographic composition of these African immigrants, as determined by the state demographer;
- Four legislators are voting members of each council. The speaker of the house and the house minority leader shall each appoint one member to each council. The Subcommittee on Committees of the senate Committee on Rules and Administration shall appoint one member of the majority caucus and one member of the minority caucus to each council.
- The governor may appoint a commissioner of a state agency or a designee of that commissioner to serve as an ex-officio, nonvoting member of a council.
You can apply to be on the council at
For more information on the selection process, or to apply for an open position appointed by the Governor, please visit the Secretary of State's website at