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Request for CE Course Approval

This applies to individuals and organizations that are seeking Minnesota Board of Physical Therapy approval for continuing education courses. All fees are nonrefundable.

The following items must be attached to the completed application for processing. Failure to do so will result in an incomplete application and possible rejection or delay in the application process.

  • A completed copy of the current CE application form - click here for the Current CE Application Form and Instructions;
  • $100.00 fee for each course (payable via check);
  • Detailed course content and program brochure; learning objectives, course outline/agenda, current reference list for the material being presented/taught;
  • A time schedule, i.e. start time, breaks, labs, etc.;
  • A list of speakers and their credentials/CV (academic and/or clinical qualifications to teach course content);
  • Identification of the target audience and the instructional level of the course (basic, intermediate, advanced);
  • A summary statement regarding the relevance of the course material to physical therapy;
  • A method of evaluation of the course content;
  • In addition to the above, course applications must also include all course materials including; study guides, post test, and instructional materials.
  • Home study and internet based courses will be reviewed by the Continuing Education Committee on the following dates: February 6, May 7, August 7 and November 6, 2025 (Please have the complete application submitted to the board at least 6 weeks before the review date).
  • For Live In-Person or Live Streaming courses (other course formats) - Please have the complete application to our office at least 6 weeks before the start of the classroom course to allow sufficient time to complete the continuing education review process.
Licensees, if you are unsure if a course has been approved by the board, please contact the course coordinator directly. It is the responsibility of the course provider to inform participants or potential participants of the course approval number, status, and approval information.


A. The educational activities must have significant intellectual or practical content dealing primarily with matters directly related to the practice of physical therapy or to the professional responsibility or ethical obligations of the participants.

B. Each person making a presentation shall be qualified by practical or academic experience to teach the subject the person covers.

C. Participants shall attend educational activities in a classroom or other setting suitable for the activity. Video, motion picture, or sound presentations may be used.

D. One hour of credit shall be given for each 60 minutes actually spent on educational activities. 

E. Credit shall not be given for entertainment or recreational activities or programs, employment orientation sessions, holding an office or serving as an organizational delegate, individual self-directed study programs, management seminars not directly concerning physical therapy operations, meetings for the purpose of making policy, or noneducational association meetings.

Click here for the CE  Application form and Instructions

Click here for more information on the CE Requirements

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