Application fee | $100.00 |
Annual license fee | $60.00 |
Criminal Background Check Fee | $33.25 (effective 1/1/19) |
Late fee for annual license | $20.00 |
Temporary permit fee | $25.00 |
Duplicate license fee | $20.00 |
Certification letter fee | $25.00 |
Continuing Education program review | $100.00 |
Examination administration fee | $50.00 |
Report generation | $60.00/hr |
Civil Penalties | Various |
Misc: services and copies | Various |
Education/training program approval fee is $100.00.
Continuing Education course application information is available from this website under "Continuing Education"
For mailing label information: contact Jacki Bellefeuille at the MN Department of Administration, Phone: (651) 201-3206 or the MN Bookstore, Phone: (651) 297-3000. This mailing list does NOT include Licensees' email addresses.
Request for replacement of license cards or wall certificate form is available from this website under the “Licensees"
Duplicate annual renewal cards (4-3/8" x 3-7/8" and wallet size: 2" x 3-1/4") or wall certificates (8-1/2" x 11") are $20.00 each.
Duplicate cards are only generated upon payment of the required fee along with the notarized request form. A duplicate card will not be sent after a name or address change unless you specifically request a duplicate card and submit the $20.00 fee.
Annual license renewal fee is $60.00. MN physical therapist and physical therapist assistant licenses expire on December 31 of each year.
Online Renewal is available mid-November through mid-January from the License Renewal page of this website.
If the renewal form is incomplete or the correct fee is not submitted then the renewal application is considered incomplete. It will not be processed and will be returned to the licensee.
The late fee for an annual license renewal is an additional $20.00. A renewal is late if it is postmarked after December 31 or is submitted online after midnight on December 31.
It is a violation of MS 148.75 (a) 18 to practice physical therapy in MN under lapsed or nonrenewed credentials. Late renewals may be subject to disciplinary considerations from the Board's Complaint Review Committee.