If you feel that your concern regarding infection control has not been adequately addressed by a dental licensee or that public health and safety is being compromised, you are welcome to file a formal complaint with the Board of Dentistry. Here is more information on the Complaint Process . Have questions on the process? Not sure what step to take next? Our staff is here to help. Please call 612-617-2250 and ask to speak to someone in the Complaints and Compliance department.
Minnesota Statute 214.19 REPORTING OBLIGATIONS highlights the requirements for regulated individuals as pertaining to reporting infection control violations.
A regulated person shall, within ten days, report to the appropriate board personal knowledge of a serious failure or a pattern of failure by another regulated person to comply with accepted and prevailing infection control procedures related to the prevention of HIV, HBV, and HCV transmission. In lieu of reporting to the board, the regulated person may make the report to a designated official of the hospital, nursing home, clinic, or other institution or agency where the failure to comply with accepted and prevailing infection control procedures occurred. The designated official shall report to the appropriate board within 30 days of receiving a report under this subdivision. The report shall include specific information about the response by the institution or agency to the report. A regulated person shall not be discharged or discriminated against for filing a complaint in good faith under this subdivision. Here is the full text of Minnesota Statute 214.19.
Please contact the Minnesota Board of Dentistry for more information on reporting infection control concerns, 612-617-2250.