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Training Opportunities

Sharpen your skills in data retrieval, analysis and understanding by participating in the opportunities outlined below. 

Disaggregating Race Data in Census 2020

The Minnesota State Demographic Center is pleased to extend this invitation to an in-person training session designed to instruct participants how to access and interpret detailed race data in Census 2020. Participants will learn how to navigate the Census Bureau interface,, and how the latest and most detailed race data offers insights into Minnesota’s changing population.

Specifically, participants will spend the morning with staff from the State Demographic Center as we unlock the complexities of the DHC-A file, which was released in September 2023. Prior to the DHC-A, race and ethnicity data from Census 2020 was available in the five broad race categories (White, Black or African American, American Indian or Alaska Native, Asian, and Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander) plus a “Some Other Race” category, as well as a Hispanic, Latino or Spanish ethnicity category. But the DHC-A file now allows data users to see up to 2,996 disaggregated population groups: 34 Hispanic origins (30 detailed origins and 4 regional groups), 104 detailed and 3 regional White groups, 62 detailed and 3 regional Black or African American groups, 1,187 detailed and 8 regional American Indian or Alaska Native groups, 47 detailed and 5 regional Asian groups, 35 detailed and 3 regional Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander groups, and 22 detailed and 2 regional “Other” groups.

This event is free and is designed for data users of all skill levels.

Please feel free to share this invitation with anyone who may be interested.

When and Where: Tuesday, August 20, 2024 from 10am to noon

Administration Building, Room 116B, 50 Sherburne Ave, Saint Paul, MN 55155

** Participants should bring their own laptops - preferably with a full charge, as electric outlets will be limited. To RSVP, send an email to

U.S. Census Bureau's Census Academy

The Census Bureau offers both web-based and in-person courses to help users access and understand Census Bureau statistics. These free courses demonstrate how to use databases and mapping tools, find local and national demographic information for a variety of uses including grant proposals, economic data statistics for business plans, research papers, etc. Learn more and see the Census Academy's training schedule.
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