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Data by Place

Searching for data up in the arrowhead or down in the river valley? Want to learn more about the place where you live or work? The tools and datasets below can help. If you can't find what you are seeking after reviewing the resources here, please contact us to request data.

If it's total population data you're seeking, you may wish to see:

The tools below retrieve data in specific geographies of interest

  • QuickFacts from the U.S. Census Bureau
    • QuickFacts retrieves popular U.S. Census Bureau data about population, limited age groups, broad race groups, land area information and select social and economic topics. Easily compare county or city of interest to Minnesota or U.S. in a side-by-side feature.
  • Minnesota Compass from Wilder Research
    • Minnesota Compass, a project of Wilder Research, features thousands of interactive graphs, maps, and tables for MN geographies. Its searchable geographic profiles contain popular 2000 decennial data points compared more recent data for the state as a whole, seven regions of the state, all counties, and all cities with populations of 1,000+. Each profile contains demographic information and data across Compass topic areas. In addition, 8-page comprehensive data profiles are available for each neighborhood in Minneapolis and St. Paul.
  • Metropolitan Council data and maps
    • For users interested in the Twin Cities 7-county metro area (consisting of Anoka, Carver, Dakota, Hennepin, Ramsey, Scott, and Washington Counties), the Met Council's Data + Maps site has key information about the 7-county region or any city, county or township within it. Users may also create maps using 100+ available data layers, or explore interactive maps on topics including natural resources, land use and water quality and supply.
  • PolicyMap
    • PolicyMap provides a wealth of data across numerous topics mapped onto various levels of geography. (No GIS skills necessary.) To begin, type geography of interest into the location bar, then explore the topical data in the gray banner above each thematic map. Creating a free account allows for greater functionality. Mapped data may be viewed and emailed, but not downloaded (with a free account).
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