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Data Classifications

The Data Practices Act presumes government data are classified as public, unless the data are classified differently by state or federal law. Below are the possible classifications of government data in the Data Practices Act. For more information on how specific types of data may be classified within the classification scheme below, visit our Types of Data page.


Public government data are available to any requester, for any reason. All government data are presumed to be public unless explicitly classified with a not public classification by law. (Minnesota Statutes section 13.03, subd. 1)


Private data are data on individuals* that are only available to the data subject, those in the government entity maintaining the data whose work assignment requires access to the data, any government entities authorized by law, and individuals or entities authorized by the data subject. These data are not available to the general public. (Minnesota Statutes section 13.02 subd. 12; Minnesota Statutes section 13.05 subds. 4, 5).


Nonpublic data are data not on individuals* that are only available to any government entities authorized by law, and the subject, if any, of the data. These data are not available to the public. (Minnesota Statutes section 13.02 subd. 9; Minnesota Statutes section 13.05 subd. 9).


Confidential data are data on individuals* that are only available to those in the government entity whose work assignment requires access to the data, and anyone authorized by statute. These data are not available to the public or the data subject.  (Minnesota Statutes section 13.02 subd. 3; Minnesota Statutes section 13.05 subds. 4, 5).

Protected Nonpublic

Protected nonpublic data are data not on individuals* available to anyone authorized by law. These data are not available to the public or to any data subject. (Minnesota Statutes section 13.02 subd. 13; Minnesota Statutes section 13.05 subd. 9)

* Data on individuals v. data not on individuals

Data on individuals are data in which any individual is or can be identified as the subject of that data. Individuals are natural persons, and include parents and guardians for minors or incapacitated persons. All other data where an individual is not the subject are data not on individuals. (Minnesota Statutes section 13.02 subds. 4, 5 ,and 8)

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