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In 1990, the historic Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) was signed by President George Bush. The ADA incorporated the statements made about equal rights from all previous decades. The Act was co-sponsored by Senator Dave Durenberger and Senator Tom Harkin of Iowa.

For the first time, citizens with broad-based disabilities, developmental and otherwise, had national legislation that protected their rights as individuals. It also forced employers, educators, landlords, builders and other service providers to improve access and opportunities to all citizens regardless of their abilities.

Click here for a list of documents (Adobe Acrobat PDF format) related to developmental disabilities policy in the State of Minnesota from 1880s to the present time.

Bush Signing the Disabilities Act
President George Bush signed the historic Americans with Disabilities Act in 1990.

Upon election in 1990, Governor Arne Carlson asked Kent Eklund, as an outside expert on social services, to informally analyze Medicaid budgets and identify areas for reform.

As a result of Eklund's recommendations, the Governor's Chief of Staff convened several agencies to discuss reform opportunities. On November 23, 1992, representatives of Human Services, Administration, Health, Housing Finance, Employee Relations, Finance and the Ombudsman Office met to study privatization. They also began developing a plan to remove the state from the institutional care system.

Bruce Johnson, the Task Force's point person, soon became known as the "closure czar."

Governor Arne Carlson
Governor Arne Carlson