Partners in Policymaking Class 42

Frequently Asked Questions

Is there a deadline to apply for the program?
The deadline to submit an application is Friday, July 12, 2024.

Who is eligible to participate in this program?
This program is designed for parents and legal guardians of young children with developmental disabilities and for adults with disabilities.

What is the time commitment required of those who are chosen to participate in this program?
Participants are required to attend all eight weekend sessions (September through May with no session in December). The sessions run from 11:00 AM to 9:00 PM on Day One and from 8:30 AM to 3:00 PM on Day Two. (NOTE: Sessions are held on Friday and Saturday except in March when the session is held on Sunday and Monday.)

Where are the weekend sessions held?
Weekend Sessions will be held at the Crowne Plaza Aire in Bloomington, MN (3 Appletree Square, Bloomington, MN 55425).

Is there a fee to attend this eight-month training?
No, there is no fee to attend. Program costs are covered in part by a Congressional appropriation from the Administration for Community Living to the Minnesota Governor's Council on Developmental Disabilities (Council). These funds are used to carry out the Partners program for those chosen for the class.

Do I have to pay for my overnight accommodations and travel expenses?
No, overnight accommodations are provided for those who drive a distance to attend. Class members are matched and housed in double occupancy rooms. Mileage reimbursement is also available for class members.

What other expenses does the Partners program cover?
The following expenses are also covered by the Partners program:

  • Meals
  • Speaker handouts, resource materials, and publications
  • Interpreter or language translation services

Is there financial assistance available to help pay for respite/child care or personal care attendants?
Yes, reimbursement up to a maximum dollar amount per weekend session is available for participants needing these services when another funding source does not pick up these expenses.

PLEASE NOTE:  The Partners program does not provide on-site child care services.  Family members are not permitted to stay at the hotel during the weekend training sessions unless a family member is serving as a personal care assistant to a class member.

Is there work to be done between monthly weekend sessions?
After each session, a homework assignment that builds on and supports the topics addressed must be completed by each class member and turned in at the following session.

Who does the training?
Speakers are national and state subject matter experts or practitioners.

How are class participants selected?
A Review Committee, which includes Partners graduates and representatives from the Council, will select participants based on several criteria. Class size is limited to 35 participants.