Management Analysis and Development (MAD) is a nationally recognized fee-for-service management consulting group providing custom-designed services to public service clients.
MAD has been helping state government work more effectively since 1985. We've done this by working side-by-side with our clients, understanding their specific problems and developing practical solutions with them. We've guided diverse stakeholders to agreement, streamlined complicated processes, and coached managers through challenging strategic and operational decisions. We've done research, analysis, and writing when client organizations are stretched thin. We live in state government and know the challenges. We listen to you, your staff, your stakeholders-to understand the problems, explore opportunities and develop solutions you can embrace.
MAD offers organizational planning and problem solving, analysis, meeting design, and facilitation tailored to meet your needs.
We understand. MAD's experienced consultants understand the unique challenges of managing in the public sector. We know Minnesota government and public education at all levels of management.
We listen. MAD understands our clients' needs because we listen—to you, your employees and the public you serve.
We respond. MAD consultants tailor our work for each engagement to fit real clients and their specific management needs.
We resolve. Our consultants work to solve problems and improve public service.
Management Analysis and Development’s consulting services support and strengthen public sector organizations. We succeed when our clients are better equipped to achieve their unique missions for the benefit of all Minnesotans.
Public service commitment. We support the missions of public sector organizations and recognize the dedication and commitment of their employees. We help our clients create respectful workplaces where employees feel connected to their work.
Customized, flexible approaches. We are flexible and creative in solving problems and addressing challenges. We create customized approaches that fit our clients’ unique and changing needs.
Engagement and collaborative solutions. We facilitate participatory decision making and design inclusive approaches to fully understand issues and inform decisions. We help clients work across agencies and sectors to achieve common goals.
Data-informed objectivity. We approach our work with objectivity and make data meaningful to help our clients make the best possible decisions. We analyze data with rigor, focusing on usefulness and impact.
High quality services. We are dedicated to making a positive difference. We do our best work on every project so our clients can do their best for Minnesota.
Strong, lasting partnerships. We value relationships based on authenticity and trust. We honor commitments and do what we say we’ll do.