Using the State of Minnesota Job Application Website
We have created this guide to help walk you through the State of Minnesota online application process. Topics at the top of this guide focus on the application process.
Topics below the Minnesota Careers Welcome Page image provide explanations for the various features you’ll find there. Select one of the topics below to get started.
Use the navigation buttons to move forward or back in the application - do not use your browser's forward or back arrow.
When applying to some jobs, you may first be asked a question(s) to determine if you are eligible to apply. If you are not eligible, you will be notified immediately and will not be able to continue to complete your application.
You may choose to upload a resume, use an existing resume (if you've applied on the State of Minnesota Careers website before), or apply without a resume. If you submit a resume, you do not have to enter your work history or education on the application.
You may add employment preferences such as kind of work, full or part-time, willingness to travel or relocate, days of work, work shift, salary, and work location. Providing employment preferences is optional.
The qualifications section is optional and does not need to be completed if you submit a resume. This section allows you to provide:
Education history, areas of study, and degrees
Work experience and job training
Licenses and certificates, language skills, and special projects
Responses to questions to indicate your knowledge, skills, and abilities (this will vary for each job).
Tell us how you heard about the job.
Self-identify to indicate disability status, veteran status, gender, and ethnicity. Self-identifying is optional.
Review your application and make edits if necessary to your contact information or application details.
Select Submit.
After you submit your application, you will receive a confirmation message on screen. You will also receive an email notification. To find out what happens after submitting your application, please view our State of Minnesota Hiring Process info page.
The Minnesota Careers welcome page is the first screen you'll encounter when searching for jobs. From here you can view a list of the current job postings. Select View All Jobs or use a keyword search in the Search Jobs search bar to find words or phrases in the job title or description.
You can use the filter options on the left to narrow down the search results for positions you are interested in. Desktop example:
On a mobile device, use the Filter Icon.
Mobile Example:
You can select Save Search to create a Job Search Agent. The Job Search Agent will send alerts to your email address when new jobs that match your search criteria are posted.
Create a Search Name and enter an email address in the Email To field to receive the job alerts. You can create up to five Job Search Agents and they remain active for six months.
Search Results
Select a job from the Search Results List to view the Job Description.
This is where you view the Job Description. Select Apply for Job to start a new application. You can also Add to Favorite Jobs to save the job, Email this Job to send a direct link to an email address, or Print the Job Posting to print a hard copy.
Select Apply for Job to start a new application. To apply for jobs with Minnesota State Colleges and Universities, select the link under the How to Apply section.
Note: On mobile devices the Apply for Job button may be located at the bottom of the screen.
If you already have an account registered, enter your User Name and Password then select Sign In to be directed to Step 1 of the application process. If you are a new user select Register Now and you will be directed to the New User Registration page.
On the New User Registration page, create a User Name and a Password that meets the required criteria. Enter your First Name, Last Name and a valid Email Address. Entering a phone number is optional. Select I agree to the Terms and Conditions then select Register. Once you register, you will be guided through the steps of the application process.
Note: When you enter a password the system auto-fills in the password and confirm password fields with extra dots. This is an added security feature to mask over your password and make it appear longer than what was entered. Please disregard the extra dots and proceed with the process. Make sure to enter the password carefully in both fields. If the password is not accepted, delete the contents in both fields before reentering the password.
Read the information on Step 1 of 7 and view the Terms and Conditions. This is an acknowledgement that all information in the application and resume you submit are true and complete. Select the check box I agree to the Terms and Conditions then select Next. Note that the Next button may appear as a right arrow on mobile devices and is always found in the top right corner of the screen.
You may revisit previous sections by selecting the step on the left side of the screen. You will not be able to skip ahead in the process without selecting the "Next" button.
You can select Save Draft at any point in the application process to save your progress. If you need to step away from the application before it is finished, you can come back to it later by navigating to My Job Applications on the Careers home page.
Note: Some jobs may have an additional step containing screening questions, in that case, you may see 8 steps.
You may add job preferences such as start date, kind of work, full or part-time, willingness to travel or relocate, days of work, work shift, salary, and work location. Providing employment preferences is optional. If you choose to enter any of these preferences, they will save to your account and follow to any additional jobs you apply for.
The qualifications section allows you to provide your education, experience, and accomplishments. Some Job postings may require an additional skills questionnaire. If you choose to enter any of this information, it will save to your account and follow to any additional jobs you apply for.
Note: these are optional fields. If you've attached a resume and do not wish to specify these qualifications on your application, simply skip to the Questionnaire section at the bottom of this section. Answer the question(s) and select Next to proceed to step 5.
Step 4 of 7: Qualifications - Education
In this section you may enter your Education History, Areas of Study and Degrees.
Use the drop-down arrow to select your Highest Education Level.
Next, you may Add Areas of Study.
Note that any field that has an Asterisk * symbol will require a value entered prior to selecting Done. To go back, select Cancel.
If you add Areas of Study, it will display. You may select the row entry to edit it, delete it, or select the + icon to add more Areas of Study.
To add a degree, select the Lookup icon. To go back, select Cancel.
On the Lookup window, choose from the list of options. If your degree is not in the list, we recommend you select the option that is the closest match and consider including a note about that if you attach a cover letter. It is not possible to directly enter the degree manually. If you are submitting a resume with this information, then you can choose to skip this section.
If you've made an entry for a degree, it will display. You may select the row entry to edit it, delete it, or select the + icon to add more Degrees.
Step 4 of 7: Qualifications – Experience
In this section you may enter your Work Experience and Job Training.
Select Add Work Experience.
Note that any field that has an Asterisk * symbol will require a value entered prior to selecting Done. To go back, select Cancel.
If you've made an entry for Work Experience, it will display. You may select the row entry to edit it, delete it, or select the + icon to add more work experience.
Next, you may add Job Training. To go back, select Cancel.
If you've made an entry for Job Training it will display. You may select the row entry to edit, delete, or select the + icon to add more Job Training.
Step 4 of 7: Qualifications – Accomplishments
In this section you may enter your Licenses and Certifications, Language Skills and Special Projects.
To add specific Licenses and Certifications, select the Lookup icon.
Note that any field that has an Asterisk * symbol will require a value entered prior to selecting Done. To go back, select Cancel.
On the Lookup window, choose from the list of options.
Note: if your License or Certification is not in the list, we recommend you select the option that is the closest match and consider including a note about that if you attach a cover letter. It is not possible to directly enter the License or Certification manually. If you are submitting a resume with this information, then you can choose to skip this section.
Once the Licenses and Certifications are added, they will display. You may select the row entry to edit it, delete it, or select the + icon to add more Licenses and Certifications.
You may add specific Language Skills by selecting the Lookup icon. To go back, select Cancel.
If Language skills are added, they will display. You may select the row entry to edit it, delete it, or select the + icon to add more Language Skills.
Next you may add any Special Projects. A Special Project would be considered a project that you worked on which falls outside of the typical job duties. To go back, select Cancel.
If any Special Projects are added, they will display. You may select the row entry to edit it, delete it, or select the + icon to add more Special Projects.
Step 4 of 7: Qualifications - Questionnaire
Some jobs may have an additional Skills Questionnaire. Respond to the question(s) to indicate your knowledge, skills, and abilities (this may vary for each job). Complete your answers in the Questionnaire before selecting "Next" to continue to the next section.
How did you learn about the job? Select the drop-down arrow to choose an option. This question will require a response. You may enter a specific Referral Source. Lastly, indicate if you are a former State of Minnesota employee. If you are a former employee, please enter your last day of employment.
Review all of the information entered on your application prior to submitting. You can return to any step to make changes. When you are finished, select the Submit button. After you submit your application, you will receive a confirmation message on screen and an email notification.
The welcome page is the first screen you'll encounter when searching for jobs. The welcome page menu options are: View All Jobs, My Job Notifications, My Job Applications, My Favorite Jobs, My Saved Searches, My Account Information, Add Application, and Upload Resume to Job Family Posting. Select a topic to learn more about these menu options and features.
This is where you will find the list of all current State job openings. Select View All Jobs or use a keyword search in the Search Jobs search bar to find words or phrases in the job title or description.
You can use the filter options on the left to narrow down the search results for positions you are interested in. Desktop example:
On a mobile device, use the Filter Icon.
Mobile Example:
You can select Save Search to create a Job Search Agent. The Job Search Agent will send alerts to your email address when new jobs that match your search criteria are posted.
Search Results
Select a job from the Search Results List to view the Job Description.
Select Apply for Job to start a new application. You can also Add to Favorite Jobs to save the job as a favorite, Email this Job to send a direct link to an email address, or Print the Job Posting to print a hard copy .
To apply you’ll need to either Sign In or Register as a New User. Please review the topic Apply for a Job, Sign In, or Create an Account for instructions on this process.
Job Notifications appear when you have a job offer, an interview scheduled, a reference request, if you’re invited to apply for a job, or if a Job Search Agent returns results.
To view your Job Notifications, select My Job Notifications from the main menu or use the Actions icon which looks like three vertical dots on the top right of the screen.
In this example, the applicant has a job offer. To view the notification, select the row.
My Job Applications shows your application activity as well as the resumes and cover letters you have uploaded.
To view your Job Applications, select My Job Applications from the main menu or use the Actions icon which looks like three vertical dots on the top right of the screen.
Refer to the Application Status column to view the status of your applications. You can also view your Resume and Cover Letter attachments here. To view the job description, select the Open Application right arrow.
Note: you may withdraw an application only if the job is still open. Once closed, you can no longer withdraw an application.
Under Jobs Applied For, select the View Job Description Icon.
My Favorite Jobs shows you any jobs that you have saved as a favorite. Saving a job as a Favorite makes it easy for you to keep track of the jobs you are interested in.
To view your Favorite Jobs, select My Favorite Jobs from the main menu or use the Actions icon which looks like three vertical dots on the top right of the screen.
To view the Job Description, select the View Job arrow on the right side of the row. To delete the favorite, select the Checkbox on the left side of the row then select Remove Favorite.
You can create a Job Search Agent which will send alerts to your email address when new jobs that match your search criteria are posted. For example, if you are interested in receiving emails for job openings at the Department of Transportation in the Twin Cities area, filter by selecting the name of the Agency and the Location check boxes. You can create up to five Job Search Agents and they remain active for six months.
To view your Saved Searches, select My Saved Searches from the main menu or use the Actions icon which looks like three vertical dots on the top right of the screen.
You can edit, delete, or run the search from this page. To edit or delete the saved search, select the Edit arrow on the right side of the row.
My Account Information is where you can update your personal information and manage your password. When you are finished updating, select Save.
To view your Account Information, select My Account Information from the main menu or use the Actions icon which looks like three vertical dots on the top right of the screen.
The Upload Resume to Job Family Posting feature offers you the opportunity to share your resume with State of Minnesota agencies and entities. Recruiters at these agencies will be able to view your resume and may contact you if they are hiring for a position that matches your skills and professional background. Note: This feature is only available to External Applicants (Non-state employees).
To Upload a Resume to a Job family Posting, select Upload Resume to Job Family Posting from the main menu or use the Actions icon which looks like three vertical dots on the top right of the screen.
Select a Job Family category that you want to upload your resume to.
Select Add Resume
Step 1 of 6: Start
Read the information on Step 1 of 6 and view the Terms and Conditions. Select the check box I agree to the Terms and Conditions then select Next. Note that the Next button may appear as a right arrow on mobile devices and is always found in the top right corner of the screen.
You may revisit previous sections by selecting the step on the left side of the screen. You will not be able to skip ahead in the process without selecting the "Next" button.
You can select Save Draft at any point in the application process to save your progress. If you need to step away before you are finished, you can come back to it later by navigating to My Job Applications on the Careers home page.
Step 2 of 6: Resume
To upload a new resume select Attach Resume. To use a resume you’ve already uploaded to the system, select Use Existing Resume.
When uploading a new resume, select choose From My Device then follow the steps.
When the file is uploaded, you have the option to rename it, view the attached file or select Change Resume to upload a different file.
Step 3 of 6: Preferences
You may provide us with your job preferences such as start date, kind of work, full or part-time, willingness to travel or relocate, days of work, work shift, salary, and work location. Providing employment preferences is optional.
Step 4 of 6: Questionnaire
Complete the Questionnaire. Note that any field that has an asterisk * symbol will require a value entered prior to selecting Next.
Step 5 of 6: Self-Identity
There are three steps for self-identifying – Disability, Veteran Preference, and Diversity. Providing this information is optional.
You may select your disability status.
You may identify your veteran status.
You may provide your Gender, Ethnicity and Race Identification. If you do not wish to answer, select I decline to answer.
Step 6 of 6: Review and Submit
Review all of the information entered prior to submitting. You can return to any step to make changes. When you are finished reviewing, select the Submit button.
After you have submitted your resume, you will receive a confirmation message on the screen.