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Industry Innovators

Minnesota has a robust history of patenting new ideas, developing leading-edge technologies, and launching successful startups that have changed the world.

A remarkable number of Minnesota-born businesses have grown into global giants – 3M, Medtronic, Target, and Ecolab, to name a few. Countless more are thriving small- and medium-size companies.

Innovation encompasses a diverse swath of industries and is part of why Minnesota ranks:

  • 1st in Fortune 500 companies per capita
  • 1st in medical device patents per capita
  • 2nd in food patents per capita
  • 3rd in health patents per capita
  • 4th in five-year business survival rate
  • 4th in agriculture patents
  • 7th in overall patents per capita

Launch Minnesota's network of statewide and program partners – along with a strong pool of other technology-focused organizations – provide support for innovators and entrepreneurs. Our experienced workforce and industry experts ensure startups can get the help they need to succeed.

Here are some technology industries in which Minnesota is an innovation leader. Also listed are some industry-focused support organizations and a few examples of some of our many large and small innovators.

Agriculture & Food Techfood-farm

Clean Techwatertech

Education Techapprenticeship

Financial & Insurance Techfinance-charts

Information Techbanking-finance

Internet of Thingsdata-center2

Medical & Health Techbioscience

Retail Tech

  • As the retail industry moves increasingly online, it creates new opportunities and challenges for existing retailers and for startups. With homegrown retail giants like Target and Best Buy, there's no shortage of expertise and a strong appetite for innovation.
  • Support organizations include: RetailFuse; Target Retail Accelerators
  • Some industry innovators: Best Buy; Digi-Key Electronics; Target; SPS Commerce

Tech Manufacturingwelder

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