Title: Limited Radiology Registration
Alternate Title:
Description: Minnesota Board of Dentistry
Subject: Dentistry
X-Ray Operators
Creation Date: 2/16/2023 12:56:02 PM
Modification Date: 8/23/2024 10:50:17 AM
Agency Name: Dentistry, Minnesota Board of
Agency URL: https://mn.gov/boards/dentistry/
Agency Description:
The mission of the Minnesota Board of Dentistry is to promote and protect public health and safety; and ensure that every licensed dental professional practicing in the state meets the requirements for safe, competent and ethical practice.
Agency Phone: 612-617-2250
Agency Fax: 612-617-2260
Agency URL: https://mn.gov/boards/dentistry/
Agency Address:
335 Randolph Ave., Suite 250
St. Paul
Unit Name: Brian J. Cochran, Assistant Director (Licensing and Credentialing)
Unit URL:
Unit Description:
Unit Phone: Unit Fax: Contact person(s): brian.j.cochran@state.mn.us
Unit URL:
Audience: Hold
Application URL: https://bodgl.hlb.state.mn.us/GLSuite_MNBOD_PROD/GLSuiteWeb/clients/mnbod/Private/OnlineRenewal/Login.aspx
Renewal URL: https://bodgl.hlb.state.mn.us/GLSuite_MNBOD_PROD/GLSuiteWeb/clients/mnbod/Private/OnlineRenewal/Login.aspx
Versa URL:
Review New Applicant -Limited Radiology Registration tab
Navigate to Video Tutorials page. View these tutorials before initiating pre-application, background check and starting your application process. Also included in the tutorials is information on studying and scheduling the Minnesota Jurisprudence Examination.
Licensure Applications
Rules: 3100.0100 - .9600
Statutes: 150A
Limited Radiology Registration
Non-refundable Fee: $60.25 (Application fee: $15, Initial Fee $12, Background check fee: $33.25)
Period of Issuance:
Must be renewed. Renew biennially according to birth month and
Length of Determination:
Length of process for applicants, except those by credentials, varies by time of year, volume of applicants and other factors. For licensure by credentials, the Credentials Committee of the Board generally meets once every six weeks.
Other Info:
Activity: Dentistry
License Detail URL:
Dentistry, Minnesota Board of
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