Assisted Living Licensure (ALL) within the Health Regulation Division of the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) oversees and regulates licensed assisted living providers in Minnesota.
Providers are required to renew their Assisted Living license each year. A license may be renewed for up to one year if the licensee:
You can view this and other resources related to the renewal process on the Assisted Living License Renewal page.
Assisted Living Licensure Application Materials
Provisional Assisted Living (with Dementia Care) License Application (PDF)
Assisted Living Licensure Application Addendum: Building Information (PDF)
Assisted Living Licensure Application Addendum: New Construction Information (PDF)
Uniform Disclosure of Assisted Living Services and Amenities (UDALSA) (PDF)
Assisted Living License Renewal
Change of Information for Assisted Living Providers (PDF): Ensure MDH has the correct information on file. The Provider Renewal Notification Letter will be sent to the permanent business email address. Renewal License will be sent to the business mailing address.
Closure Form for Assisted Living Providers (PDF): If you are not renewing your license, you must follow 144G.57 and notify MDH by submitting this closure form along with a closure plan and proposed notice to residents. After MDH has approved the plan, the facility must provide notice to residents at least 60 days before closing.
Licensed Resident Capacity Increase Request (PDF): Use this form if you are requesting an increase to your licensed resident capacity during your renewal license renewal period.
Licensed Resident Capacity Decrease Request (PDF): Use this form if you are requesting a decrease to your licensed resident capacity during your renewal license period.
License Renewal Provider Checklist (PDF): This checklist provides guidance for gathering all potential items that may be needed to submit a renewal application for an Assisted Living Facility (ALF) license or for and Assisted Living Facility with Dementia Care (ALFDC) license.
Uniform Disclosure of Assisted Living Services and Amenities (PDF): An updated version must be submitted with your license renewal application. The UDALSA form must be saved as a non-editable PDF before it can be uploaded to the system. If you can see the fillable fields within the PDF, it is still editable. To save it as a non-editable PDF, right-click on the file and open it with a browser, and then Print the file as a PDF.
Notice of Providing Assisted Living Services (PDF): A provisional licensee will not receive their renewal notification letter with login credentials until after a full license has been issued following a successful survey. A survey won’t be scheduled unless MDH is notified the provisional licensee has begun to provide assisted living services. Notice is required within two days.
Refer to Assisted Living Licensure Application Materials and Assisted Living License Renewal
Contact MDH.
A license is effective for one year from the effective date.
The Minnesota Department of Health has up to 60-90 days in which to grant or deny a license, once the application is deemed complete.
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