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Title: Residential Building Contractor/Remodeler - Certificate of Exemption
Alternate Title:
Description: Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry (DLI)
Subject: Building Professionals
Buildings and Construction
Residential Building Contractors
Creation Date: 3/17/2021 2:13:12 PM
Modification Date: 8/16/2024 12:15:24 PM
Agency Name: Labor and Industry (DLI), Minnesota Department of
Agency URL:
Agency Description: The agency oversees the state's programs for apprenticeship, construction codes and licensing, dual-training (PIPELINE Program), occupational safety and health, wage and hour standards, workers' compensation and youth skills training programs. The Office of Combative Sports, within the Department of Labor & Industry, ensures Minnesota's combative sporting events are conducted in a manner that minimizes injuries and ensures fair competition.
Agency Phone: 651-284-5005
Agency Fax: Agency URL:
Agency Address:
443 Lafayette Road N.

St. Paul
MN 55155

Division Name: Construction Codes and Licensing Division (CCLD)
Division URL:
Division Description:
Division Phone: Division Fax: Division URL:
Unit Name: Licensing and Certification Services
Unit URL:
Unit Description:
Unit Phone: 651-284-5034
Unit Fax: Contact person(s):
Unit URL:
Audience: Application URL:
Renewal URL:
Versa URL:


Residential Contractors, Remodelers, Roofers

Frequently asked questions

     Who needs a license?   

     Who does not need a contractor license?

  • Subcontractors who do not contract with the homeowner, but they must register with us through the Construction Contractor Registration Program;

  • Commercial contractors, but they must register with us through the Construction Contractor Registration Program;

  • Employees of a licensed contractor;

  • Contractors that work on residential buildings with more than four units;

  • Material suppliers that do not install or attach the items they sell;

  • Owners doing work on their own property (unless they build or are improving properties they own for purposes of resale or speculation);

  • Architects or engineers doing work within the scope of their practice;

  • Landlords performing work other than plumbing or electrical work on their residential rental units

  • Residential building contractors whose gross annual receipts from their residential activities are less than $15,000 and have a Certificate of Exemption. Gross annual receipts are the total amount derived from residential contracting or remodeling activities, regardless of where the activities are performed, and must not be reduced by cost of goods sold, expenses, losses or any other amount.

For more information contact DLI at or 651-284-5034. 


Rules: 2891

Statutes: 326B.802


New Certificate of Exemption - $10

Renewal - $10

Late fee - $5

Period of Issuance:

The license period for residential building contractors, remodelers and roofers is April 1 through March 31 each year. All licenses expire March 31 of each year, even if the license was issued for only a part of the license period. To maintain an active license, all licenses must be renewed by March 31 each year, whether the license was issued for all or a portion of the license period.

Length of Determination: 30 days.
Other Info:
Activity: Residential Building Contractor and Remodeler
Building Contractor
License Detail URL:

Residential Contractors, Remodelers, Roofers

License and Registration Lookup

Minnesota Department of Labor & Industry (DLI)


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