A well contractor may construct, repair, install pumps, and seal environmental bore holes, elevator borings, groundwater thermal exchange devices, vertical heat exchangers and wells including; water wells, dewatering wells, drive point wells, dug wells, and monitoring wells. An applicant for a well contractor license must have four years of experience. A year of experience is a year in which the applicant personally drilled at least ten wells and worked at least 1,000 hours drilling, sealing, and installing pumps in wells. An applicant with experience prior to 2006 must drill a minimum off five wells per year of experience. Applicants may qualify if the experience was in constructing one or more wells more than 700 feet deep with casings larger than 10 inches in diameter.
Qualification Application for Full Well Contractor (PDF)
Construction of Wells and Borings
Licensing Applications and Registration
Qualification Application for Full Well Contractor (PDF)
Licensing Applications and Registration
Geothermal Heating and Cooling Systems
Refer to Fees
Annual (February 1 - January 31).
Variable, depending on adequacy of documentation, identification of problems during application review, results of examination, or problems obtaining a bond. Typically, within 3 months of qualification application submittal.
Construction of Wells and Borings
Licensed Well and Boring Contractor Directory