Rail bank accommodation
In some cases, accommodation requests may impact rail bank right of way, which requires a different form. As a first step, use the rail bank map (PDF) that follows to determine if a utility placement impacts a rail bank. If a project impacts a rail bank, use one of the following permit application forms.
Application for Rail Bank Access (PDF)
Use this form for all requests for access on rail bank right of way; a lease agreement and fee also applies.
Application for Utility Installation on Rail Bank (PDF)
Use this form for all utility installations or other objects on, along, or across rail bank right of way; a lease agreement may apply, and a fee will apply.
Application for Rail Bank Access (PDF)
Use this form for all requests for access on rail bank right of way; a lease agreement and fee also applies.
Application for Utility Installation on Rail Bank (PDF)
Use this form for all utility installations or other objects on, along, or across rail bank right of way; a lease agreement may apply, and a fee will apply.
MnDOT requires utility owners to have a bond or supply a money order or cashier’s check before issuing a permit.
Utility Surety Bond Form – Individual (PDF)
Use this form for work on an individual project.
Utility Surety Bond Form – Continuing (PDF)
Use this form to establish an ongoing bond on file that covers all utility permits by a single company.
Continuing Bond Report (PDF)
A list of utility owners and contractors that carry a continuing bond to cover their utility work within MnDOT right of way.
Applications and forms are available at Land Management
Permits are processed in the district offices. Refer to Utility Agreements and Permits Contacts
Utility Agreements and Utility Permits