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Title: Parade / Special Event / Banner on Trunk Highway Right of Way
Alternate Title:
Description: Applicants wishing to use a portion of a trunk highway for a parade, bicycle event, race, filming or other special event must complete the attached Parade/Special Event/Banner Permit Form. Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT)
Subject: Roads and Highways
Special Events
Creation Date: 6/29/2018 2:10:26 PM
Modification Date: 2/4/2025 2:55:40 PM
Agency Name: Transportation (MnDOT), Minnesota Department of
Agency URL:
Agency Description: The Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) provides a balanced transportation system. Responsible areas include aeronautics, highways, motor carriers, ports, public transit, railroads and pipelines.
Agency Phone: 800-657-3774
Agency Fax: Agency URL:
Agency Address: Transportation (MnDOT), Minnesota Department of
395 John Ireland Blvd.

St. Paul
MN 55155-1899

Unit Name: Utility Agreements and Permits
Unit URL:
Unit Description:
Unit Phone: 651-587-3713
Unit Fax: Contact person(s): Unit URL:
Unit Address:
395 John Ireland Blvd., Mail Stop 678

St. Paul
MN 55155-1899

Audience: Application URL:
Renewal URL:
Versa URL:

Applicants wishing to use a portion of a trunk highway for a parade, bicycle event, race, filming or other special event must complete the attached Parade / Special Event / Banner Permit Form. Send the completed application and required insurance information to the appropriate MnDOT District Office. Contacts and addresses can be found at Land Management -Utility Agreements and Permits Office/Central Office contacts

Before submitting the application to MnDOT, the applicant must obtain approval by both the local official(s) with authority to approve any detours on local roads associated with the event and law enforcement agency/agencies that will provide traffic control during the event.

Fill Out Form Completely

• Print (in ink) or type all information. The form can be filled out online and then printed at Application for Parade/Special Event/Banner (PDF) 
• Be sure to sign the form. Submit the original form only.

Submit the following information:

• One permit application completed in its entirety; if an item does not apply, state "N.A." in the blank.
• A map of the proposed event route/area, showing its relationship to the trunk highway.
• A map of any proposed detour route.
• A description of how traffic will be controlled (e.g. police officer, proposed signing or other traffic control devices).
• Written approval of the route of detour by the road authority of the affected route(s)
• Certificate(s) of insurance listing the State of Minnesota as an additional insured.

MnDOT reserves the right to request a traffic control plan based on the complexity of the detour, traffic volumes, speed, and safety.

All parades and special events on highway rights-of-way are governed by the attached statutes. All applicants must agree to comply with these statutes, and with any additional conditions attached to and made part of the permit.

The Permittee shall procure and maintain commercial general liability insurance during the term of the permit, and shall have the State of Minnesota added as an additional insured to the policy. The Permittee may do so either at its sole cost and expense, or it may arrange for the community group that sponsors the special event subject to this permit to procure and maintain the insurance coverage. The policy shall be in a form and amount satisfactory to MnDOT, to cover any loss that may be incurred for or on account of any matter, cause or thing arising out of the permitted activity, and for property damage, personal injury and public liability under this permit. The amount of insurance shall have a limit of not less than $2 Million per occurrence and $2 Million in the aggregate. An Umbrella or Excess Liability insurance policy may be used to supplement the underlying policy limits to satisfy the full policy limits required herein. If the Permittee is a local unit of government, it may, during the term of this permit, maintain a program of self-insurance or equivalent protection covering its public liability in the amount of the statutory limits provided by Minn. Stat. Chapter 466. The Permittee shall provide Certificates of Insurance to MnDOT prior to the commencement of any activity that is the subject of this permit. If a cancellation notice from an insurance carrier affording coverage herein is received by the policyholder, the policyholder shall notify MnDOT within five (5) business days with a copy of the cancellation notice, unless the policy contains a provision that coverage afforded under the policy will not be cancelled without at least thirty (30) days prior written notice to MnDOT.


Statutes: 160.2715


Application for Parade/Special Event/Banner (PDF)
Use this form for all requests for a parade, special event or banner within trunk highway right-of-way.

Application and forms are available at Land Management

Permits are processed in the district offices. Refer to Utility Agreements and Permits Contacts

Period of Issuance:
Length of Determination: Upon receipt of the application, MnDOT will review it to determine if all requirements have been met. A permit is not valid until it has been signed by MnDOT's authorized representative and delivered to the applicant.
Other Info:
Activity: Utilities
Roads and Highways
License Detail URL:

Land Management -Utility Agreements and Permits

MnDOT digital communications

Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT)


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