Application Packet (fill-in version)
Form available at Private Career School Licensure
New School License Fee
Schools that will offer no more than one program its first year - $2,500
Schools that will offer more than one program its first year - $2,500 + $500 per additional program
School License Renewal Fee for category (A) schools
Schools offering one program - $1,150
Schools offering two or more Programs - $1,150 + $200 per additional program. Maximum annual licensing fee of $2,000
Renewal licensure fee; late fee
Private career school that offers one program license renewal fee - $1,150
Private career school that offers more than one program license renewal fee - $1,150, plus $200 for each additional with a maximum renewal licensing fee of $2,000
Private career school licensed exclusively due to the use of the term "college," "university," "academy," or "institute" in its name license renewal fee is $750
Private career school licensed by another state agency and also licensed with the office exclusively in order to participate in state student aid programs license renewal fee - $750
If a license renewal application is not received by the office by the close of business at least 60 days before the expiration of the current license, a late fee of $100 per business day, not to exceed $3,000, shall be assessed.
Program addition fee - $500 per program
Visit or consulting fee - (1) $400 for the team base fee or for a paper review conducted by a consultant if the office determines that a fact finding visit is not required;
(2) $300 for each day or part thereof on site per team member; and
(3) the actual cost of customary meals, lodging, and related travel expenses incurred by team members.
Solicitor Permit Fee - Per Solicitor $350
Multiple Location(s) - Location(s) 2-5 $250 per site
- Location(s) 6 or more $100 per site
Modification fee - $100
One year.
Private Career School Licensure