Fireworks licensing and permitting
The State Fire Marshal is responsible for fireworks licensing and permitting in Minnesota.
The information below is for fireworks operators as well as city and county officials.
The sale, possession and use of certain non-explosive and non-aerial consumer fireworks is permitted in Minnesota.
For Operators
All fireworks displays must have a supervising operator conducting the display. The operator may have assistants, but they must be at least 18 years old. Operators must be at least 21 years of age.
To be certified:
Step 1: Pass the State of Minnesota fireworks operators’ examination
Step 2: Provide evidence of experience Complete this application.
Step 3: Pay a $100 certification fee Card issuance will be delayed by 10 days if paying with personal check.
More details on how to get certified
Read these guidelines on fireworks display safety. Operators are required to comply with these guidelines and must submit a report to us regarding fireworks displays that are conducted. The guidelines, applications and report forms may be viewed and printed from this site or are available at our offices in St. Paul at 445 Minnesota St., Suite 145.
Complete your fireworks operator certification exam
Exams are conducted in the BCA offices in St. Paul at 445 Minnesota St. once this application is completed.
What to do I do after passing the certification exam
Do not complete the certification application or submit any fees to us until you have successfully passed the certification exam.
Reports you must submit to BCA
You are required as fireworks display operator to report displays to us within 30 days of the display. Click here to fill out the form. The form includes instructions on how to return it by mail or online.
Fireworks operator certification renewal requirements
Steps to renew your fireworks display operator permit:
For applicants requesting certification renewal that have acted only as assistants, evidence of experience will be verified by cross-referencing display reports filed by the fireworks operator of record for each display the applicant has claimed on their renewal form to have been an assistant. These applicants must provide the name or certification number of the operator of record for each display that the applicant was listed as an assistant.
Other resources and helpful information
View the application for a permit to display indoor fireworks or pyrotechnic special effects.
Once an application for a permit has been approved, we will inspect the facility to determine its suitability for the conduct of an indoor pyrotechnics display. Check out these inspection guidelines.
The American Pyrotechnics Association has developed a Proximate Pyrotechnics Checklist for use by pyro technicians when planning for and conducting a proximate audience display. You may use it as guidance.
Firework operator initial application
Fireworks operator renewal application
Fireworks operator display report
Certification fee - $100
Renewal fee - $100
4 Years.
Search a list currently certified Minnesota fireworks operators