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Title: Watercraft Registration
Alternate Title:
Description: Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR)
Subject: Watercraft
Creation Date: 9/11/2008 2:18:33 PM
Modification Date: 8/28/2024 5:18:56 PM
Agency Name: Natural Resources (DNR), Minnesota Department of
Agency URL:
Agency Description: The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) manages the state's natural resources, hunting, fishing, state forests, state parks, lakes, rivers, streams, boating and water safety, trails, snowmobiling, skiing, education, enforcement, wildlife management, lands and minerals.
Agency Phone: 651-296-6157
Agency Fax: Agency URL:
Agency Address: Natural Resources (DNR), Minnesota Dept. of
500 Lafayette Rd.

St. Paul
MN 55155

Unit Name: Registration and Titling Section -Watercraft, Recreational motor vehicle & snowmobile registrations
Unit URL:
Unit Description:
Unit Phone: 651-296-2316
651-296-5484 (TTY Metro area)
800-657-3929 (TTY)
Unit Fax: Contact person(s):
Unit URL:
Audience: Application URL:
Renewal URL:
Versa URL:

Registration procedures

Register your new watercraft:

  • In person at any MN Dept. of Public, DVS (Driver & Vehicle Services) office locations (where you license your car) or at the DNR License Center, 500 Lafayette Road, St. Paul, MN 55155-4026.

    If your new boat (except kayaks or canoes) is longer than 16', your dealer will apply for title and registration (license) on your behalf, and is responsible for providing you with license materials.

    When you register your boat for the first time, know its length, manufacturer, type of hull material (wood, metal, or plastic), type of propulsion, model, year, serial or hull identification number (HIN) and have a sales receipt that shows you have paid the sales tax.

    Length is the straight-line distance from the foremost part of the boat (bow) to the rearmost part of the boat (stern). Bowsprits, outboard motor brackets, rudders and other attachments are not included in the measurement.

    Boat registrations are good for 3 calendar years.

Renew your watercraft registration:

See also 
2024 Minnesota Boating Guide  

2024 Minnesota Boating Guide




Watercraft title fees


Watercraft licenses - registration procedures & fees

Fees for boat registrations effective 12/01/2023

Type of watercraft Registration fee Aquatic invasive species surcharge

[Invasive species info]

Issuing fee

If new or transfer only $8.50, if renewing and transferring $4.50+$8.50.
If renewal only or duplicate card and decals: $6.00.

Watercraft owned by non-profit organization
(Used for teaching water safety camp, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, YMCA, YWCA, etc.)
$8 $10.60 + issuing fee*
Rental or lease watercraft up to and including 19 feet
(over 19 feet same as pleasure craft);
$14 $10.60 + issuing fee*
Rental or lease personal watercraft
(Jet Skis, etc.)
$85 $10.60 + issuing fee*
Canoes, kayaks, sailboats, sailboards, rowing shells (not rowboats) paddleboards and paddleboats (sailboats over 19 feet same as pleasure craft)
Non-motorized watercraft 10ft or less do not require registration
$23 $10.60 + issuing fee*
Personal watercraft
(Jet Skis, etc.)
$85 $10.60 + issuing fee*
Pleasure craft less than 17 feet $36 $10.60 + issuing fee*
Pleasure craft 17 feet up to and including 19 feet $59 $10.60 + issuing fee*
Pleasure craft over 19 feet but less than 26 feet $113 $10.60 + issuing fee*
Pleasure craft 26 feet but less than 40 feet $164 $10.60 + issuing fee*
Pleasure craft 40 feet in length and over $209 $10.60 + issuing fee*
Dealer's license $142 $10.60 + issuing fee*
Watercraft for commercial use $164 $10.60 + issuing fee*
Transfer without renewal $4.50 $0.00 + issuing fee*
Duplicate registration card $4.50 $0.00 + issuing fee*
Duplicate decal only $0.00 $0.00 + issuing fee*
Boats for hire Contact the Department of Labor and Industry: Code Administration and Boiler Inspection Services 

Period of Issuance:

Boat registrations are good for 3 calendar years.

Length of Determination: Immediate to two weeks.
Other Info:
Activity: Watercraft
Motor Vehicle
License Detail URL:

Watercraft licenses - registration procedures and fees

Online License Sales

Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR)

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