Title: Oversized, Overweight Vehicles: Single Trip Permit, Job Permit, and Annual Permit
Alternate Title:
Description: Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT)
Subject: Commercial Vehicles
Oversized Vehicles
Creation Date: 9/11/2008 2:15:48 PM
Modification Date: 7/26/2024 4:54:00 PM
Agency Name: Transportation (MnDOT), Minnesota Department of
Agency URL: http://www.dot.state.mn.us
Agency Description:
The Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) provides a balanced transportation system. Responsible areas include aeronautics, highways, motor carriers, ports, public transit, railroads and pipelines.
Agency Phone: 800-657-3774
Agency Fax: Agency URL: http://www.dot.state.mn.us
Agency Address: Transportation (MnDOT), Minnesota Department of
395 John Ireland Blvd.
St. Paul
MN 55155-1899
Unit Name: Oversize/Overweight Permits
Unit URL:
Unit Description:
Unit Phone: 651-296-6000
Unit Fax: 651-215-9677
Contact person(s): ofcvopermits.dot@state.mn.us
Unit URL:
Audience: Hold
Application URL: https://mn.gotpermits.com/#!
Renewal URL:
Versa URL:
Oversize/Overweight Permits
Order a Permit
Find out if you need a permit
Permit Types
An oversize and/or overweight permit is needed when:
- An overall loaded width exceeds 8'6"
- An overall loaded height exceeds 13'6"
- An overall loaded length exceeds 75'0" on combination vehicles
- An overall loaded length exceeds 45'0" on single vehicles
- When the overall GVW exceeds 80,000 lbs
Statutes: 169.80
Period of Issuance:
Length of Determination:
Other Info:
Activity: Motor Carriers
Roads and Highways
Oversized Vehicles
Motor Vehicle
Overweight Vehicles
License Detail URL:
Oversize / Overweight Permits
Commercial Vehicle Operations (CVO) Online
MnDOT digital communications