The passage of the Cottage Food Law in Minnesota changed sections of legislation under Minn. Stat. § 28A.152 previously known as the 'non-potentially hazardous foods section' and 'the pickle bill'. The cottage food law replaces both of these sections. Minnesota Department of Agriculture (MDA)
Cottage Food Producer Registration
The Cottage Food Law allows for individuals to make and sell certain non-potentially hazardous food and canned goods in Minnesota without a license. This law, the Cottage Food Exemption, went into effect in 2015 and includes details on the prior training and registration, types of food allowed, food labeling, types of sales locations, and amount of sales allowed by a cottage food producer. Additional legislative changes were passed in 2021, with effective dates of August 1, 2021 and January 1, 2022. Key changes included:
If you would like to become a registered cottage food producer in Minnesota, please review the information below.
Cottage food producers must do the following:Please be aware that these sales are subject to income tax and may be subject to sales tax. Contact the Minnesota Department of Revenue for more information at 651-556-3000.
Basic Registration Process:Step 1: Determine if you are eligible to register for this license exemption. This includes verifying the food you plan to make is non-potentially hazardous and that your local city, county, or township does not have home sales prohibitions due to zoning requirements. The MDA online training may be helpful to review to verify eligibility.
Step 2: If you are eligible, complete the training and exam for Cottage Food Producer Registration. Your training and exam requirements will depend on your expected gross annual sales.
Step 3: Complete the online cottage food producer registration and exam. Choose “Cottage Foods Producer Registration” from the dropdown menu.
If you do not have access to a computer, you may request a paper application, training, and exam by emailing or calling 651-201-6062. Leave a detailed message, including your first and last name and mailing address.
Step 4: MDA will send you a registration card in the mail with a unique registration number. Post the registration card in a location visible to customers where you are selling your food. Please allow approximately 3-4 weeks for processing.
You may check the status of your registration at Licensing Information Search. If your registration has been processed, you will be listed and can sell your cottage food items.
Please be aware that these sales are subject to income tax and may be subject to sales tax. Contact the Minnesota Department of Revenue for more information at 651-556-3000.
If you are a new cottage food registrant, you should select the Registration Application portal
Existing cottage food registrants must renew each year. Do not complete a new application. Please select the Registration Renewal portal. Your registration and PIN number are on your renewal form or available at
Forms and Resources
Annual sales amounts between $0-$5,000 - no fee
Annual sales amounts between $5,001-$78,000 - $50
Cottage Food Producer Registration
Licenses & Inspections Locator
Online Licensing System -License Lookup
Online Licensing & Payment Options