Review Air Permits
Minn. Rules 7007.0200-.0250 specify the facilities requiring an air emissions permit. Construction of a new source meeting those specifications must receive an air emissions permit prior to commencement of construction.
In some cases, Environmental Review Minn. Rules 4410) is required before a permit can be issued. Minn. Rules 7007.1110-.1150, describe who may be eligible for a Registration Permit. The facility owner needs to determine if a permit is required, based on potential emissions, and type of facility described in Minn. Rules 7007.0200-.0250, and apply for the appropriate type.
Registration permits are for facilities who require a permit, but who are not subject to federal regulations other than those outlined in the rule, and whose actual emissions are low.
Manufacturing facilities or sand and gravel operations which do not qualify for Registration Permits may qualify for a General Permit or capped permit. Those facilities who do not qualify for either a Registration Permit, General Permit or capped permit or who prefer not to accept the restrictions of the Registration Permit, General Permit, or capped permit must obtain an individual Part 70 Operating Permit or State Operating Permit.
Only one Air Emissions Permit is required for a facility; it covers construction and operation. The type depends on the individual facility.
There is a one-time application fee assessed when a facility applies for a Registration Permit.
A fee is also assessed for an administrative change; for example, change in ownership or name change.
Annual fees for holders of Registration Permit Options A, C, or D are assessed based on a facility's actual emissions of the chargeable pollutants, as reported in an annual emissions inventory.
Air emission-based fees are charged on a "dollar per ton of emissions" basis. For more information on how air emission-based fees are calculated, go to Air emissions reporting and fees
Holders of Registration Permit Option B are charged an annual flat fee, based on the amount of VOC-containing material purchased or used (whichever is stated in the facility's permit application).
Registration permits are state permits, and are non-expiring.