Operators of waste disposal facilities must be certified by the MPCA. The agency provides workshops and conferences to help you obtain and stay up-to-date on your certification.
MPCA training covers public health issues, rules and regulations, waste screening, asbestos, stormwater requirements, landfill design, facility operations, and closure/post closure.
You can request that the MPCA approve training provided by other organizations to count towards MPCA operator certification. Submit the request at least 60 days before the training event.
Get certified
Find all upcoming trainings on the Training Calendar
Type II training and exam
This two-day course with exam is for professionals pursuing careers in municipal solid waste management (15 contact hours). You must pass the exam to be certified to operate Type II facilities, which include sanitary, modified sanitary, and sludge landfills. Certification is good for three years.
Certification prerequisites:
Type III training and exam
This two-day course with exam is for professionals pursuing careers in demolition waste and industrial waste management (Nine contact hours). You must pass the exam to be certified to operate Type III facilities, which include demolition waste and non-hazardous industrial waste landfills. Certification is good for three years.
Certification prerequisite:
Solid waste refresher training
This one-day refresher counts as 6 contact hours toward certification renewal for Type II or Type III operators. Half the training is in the classroom, followed by a facility tour.
Keeping your certification
Guidance about the general types of trainings that may be accredited by the MPCA:
Certification renewal
To renew your certification, you'll need:
Renewal application for solid waste operator/inspector certification (w-sw1-02)
Accredited training options
Refer to MPCA’s training events
3 years