Title: Distributor of Lawful Gambling Equipment
Alternate Title: Lawful Gambling Equipment Distributor
Description: Minnesota Gambling Control Board
Subject: Gambling
Creation Date: 9/11/2008 2:12:31 PM
Modification Date: 7/25/2024 1:41:20 PM
Agency Name: Gambling Control Board (GCB), Minnesota
Agency URL: https://mn.gov/gcb/
Agency Description:
The Minnesota Gambling Control Board provides the resources and regulation needed to make the state’s lawful (charitable) gambling industry—the largest in the nation—successful. We ensure the integrity of operations, create educational and outreach materials, and make sure that net profits are used to address a wide range of charitable and community needs across the state.
Agency Phone: 651-539-1900
Agency Fax: Agency URL: https://mn.gov/gcb/
Agency Address:
Suite 300 South
1711 W. County Road B
MN 55113
Unit Name: Contact Staff
Unit URL: https://mn.gov/gcb/about-us/who-we-are/
Unit Description:
Unit Phone: Unit Fax: Contact person(s): Unit URL: https://mn.gov/gcb/about-us/who-we-are/
Audience: Hold
Application URL:
Renewal URL:
Versa URL:
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For Distributors
A distributor license must be obtained by any person or entity distributing lawful gambling equipment in Minnesota.
Lawful gambling equipment means disposable equipment that includes:
- bingo hard cards and bingo paper sheets,
- paper pull-tabs,
- electronic pull-tabs,
- jar tickets,
- paddletickets and paddleticket cards,
- tipboards and tipboard tickets,
- promotional tickets that mimic a pull-tab or tipboard,
- raffle boards,
- disposable sealed bingo number selection placards, and
- application software and programs in the production, play, and reporting of electronic pull-tab and electronic bingo games.
Lawful gambling equipment also means permanent equipment that includes:
- devices for selecting bingo numbers,
- electronic bingo devices,
- electronic pull-tab devices,
- pull-tab dispensing devices for paper pull-tabs,
- programmable electronic devices that have no effect on the outcome of a game and are used to provide a visual or auditory enhancement of a game,
- paddlewheels,
- paddlewheel tables, and
- electronic raffle selection systems.
Rules: 7861
Statutes: 349.11 - .61
Application Information
The following application forms and appropriate fees must be submitted to be considered for a distributor license:
This form must be completed by any person who will be employed by a distributor to sell, offer for sale, or furnish lawful gambling equipment. The application fee is $150. A license is valid for one year.
This form must be completed by all distributor employees who are not sales employees.
Background checks
Completed application forms are sent to the Department of Public Safety for a background check and to the Department of Revenue for a tax clearance. You will be charged for any background investigation expenses.
Upon receipt of the completed background check and tax clearance, your application will be presented to the Minnesota Gambling Control Board for consideration at a monthly board meeting.
Forms and reports
LG420 Distributor to Organization Lease Agreement for Pull-Tab Dispensing Device
State registration stamps must be placed on permanent gambling equipment which is defined as devices for selecting bingo numbers, paddlewheels, paddlewheel tables, and pull-tab dispensing devices.
Distributor's License - $7,000
Distributor's Salesperson License - $150
Period of Issuance:
One year.
Length of Determination: Issued upon background clearance and Board approval.
Other Info:
Activity: Gambling
Gambling Equipment
License Detail URL:
For Distributors
Gambling Control Board (GCB), Minnesota