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Title: Minnesota Grown Logo Labeling License
Alternate Title:
Description: The Minnesota Grown Program is a statewide partnership between the Minnesota Department of Agriculture (MDA) and Minnesotans who grow or raise agricultural products. The program was created over 30 years ago at the request of specialty crop growers in search of a way to differentiate their fresh produce from what was being shipped in from thousands of miles away. The trademarked Minnesota Grown logo helps consumers identify agricultural products (foods, plants, fiber) grown within the state.
Subject: Food
Creation Date: 9/11/2008 2:15:02 PM
Modification Date: 8/9/2024 1:14:11 PM
Agency Name: Agriculture (MDA), Minnesota Department of
Agency URL:
Agency Description: The mission of the Minnesota Department of Agriculture (MDA) is to enhance all Minnesotans’ quality of life by equitably ensuring the integrity of our food supply, the health of our environment, and the strength and resilience of our agricultural economy.
Agency Phone: 651-201-6000
Agency Fax: Agency URL:
Agency Address:
625 N. Robert Street

St. Paul
Division Name: Agricultural Marketing Services Division
Division URL:
Division Description:
Division Phone: Division Fax: Division URL:
Unit Name: Minnesota Grown Program
Unit URL:
Unit Description:
Unit Phone: Unit Fax: Contact person(s):
Unit URL:
Audience: Hold Application URL:
Renewal URL:
Versa URL:

To use the Minnesota Grown logo, people who grow, raise or process an agricultural product must receive an annual license from the Minnesota Department of Agriculture (MDA). At least 80% of product to be labeled must be grown or raised on Minnesota farms. Retailers such as grocery stores and restaurants are allowed to use the logo without a license.

Completed application and fee. At least 80% of product to be labeled must be grown or raised on Minnesota farms.

Information about joining Minnesota Grown and purchasing a listing in the direct-to-consumer directory is available at Join Minnesota Grown

Information for licensees who sell or wish to sell to wholesale accounts (grocery stores, institutions, restaurants) may choose to add a listing in the Minnesota Grown Wholesale Directory

Rules: 1556.0100 - .0170

Statutes: 17.102


Application for Minnesota Grown Labeling License and Directory Listing


Minnesota Grown Labeling License - $20

Direct-to-Consumer Directory Listing - $40

Wholesale Directory Listing - Free

Period of Issuance:

January 1 - December 31

Length of Determination: Two (2) weeks or less
Other Info:
Activity: Food
License Detail URL:

Minnesota Grown

Online Licensing System -License Lookup

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Minnesota Department of Agriculture (MDA)

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