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Title: Feedlot NPDES and Feedlot SDS Permits (General and Individual)
Alternate Title:
Description: Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA)
Subject: Feedlots
Water Quality
Creation Date: 9/11/2008 2:13:04 PM
Modification Date: 7/3/2024 8:17:48 AM
Agency Name: Pollution Control Agency (MPCA), Minnesota
Agency URL:
Agency Description: The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency is responsible for administering environmental permitting, compliance/enforcement, remediation and outreach programs to help Minnesota protect its environment.
Agency Phone: 651-296-6300
Agency Fax: Agency URL:
Agency Address:
520 Lafayette Rd. N.

St. Paul
MN 55155

Division Name: Feedlot Program
Division URL:
Division Description:
Division Phone: Division Fax: Division URL:
Unit Name: MPCA Feedlot Staff Contacts
Unit URL:
Unit Description:
Unit Phone: Unit Fax: Contact person(s): Unit URL:
Audience: Hold Application URL:
Renewal URL:
Versa URL:



     Feedlot registration

     Feedlot permits

     Feedlot construction, operation, and technical requirements

     Land application of manure

Rules: 7001.0020

Statutes: 116.07


NPDES and SDS feedlot permits

Federal National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) and State Disposal System (SDS) permits are issued to the larger feedlots in Minnesota for construction and operation.

NPDES and SDS permits for feedlots (wq-f3-48)

2021-2026 General NPDES Permit MNG440000 (wq-f3-58)

2015-2025 Feedlot General SDS Permit (wq-f3-52) Note: The NPDES permit contains all conditions of the SDS permit

Applying for a Permit
The MPCA no longer accepts paper or email applications for NPDES or SDS permits. This includes applications for issuance, reissuance, and all types of modifications. All NPDES and SDS permit applicants must use the online feedlot permit application service. You can also make changes to your facility name, ownership information, and contact person through MPCA Online Services.
Even if you plan to have a consultant prepare your permit application you will need to use the online service to set up an account in order to sign the application.

Apply for a permit

Getting started with online feedlot permitting

Online training

Applying for a feedlot permit (wq-f3-06)

Online feedlot permitting overview (wq-f1-25)
Guidance materials

Owners and consultants need to interact with the online service to submit a feedlot permit application. Lean about setting up an account and gaining access to the facility that you own or are working with.

Applying for a NPDES or SDS permit online

Are you having trouble understanding how to complete the permit application online? This interactive course covers the entire process, screen by screen, and step by step. Text, images, and videos are used to help guide you through the process. You can navigate the to the specific screen you are having trouble with or complete the entire course from start to finish.

Completing an application prepared by a consultant
Consultants cannot sign permit applications on behalf of feedlot owners. This guidance will highlight the steps you, as the feedlot owner, need to take to sign and submit a consultant-prepared permit application.

Other required forms

Completing an application prepared by a consultant

As part of the application process you will be asked to upload the below documents to the online permit application service.

Emergency response plan (wq-f3-12)

If you transfer ALL manure ownership, use this form:

Manure Management Plan requirements when ownership of manure is transferred (wq-f8-12)

If you transfer NO manure ownership, use this form:

Spreadsheet - MPCA Manure Management Planner (wq-f6-12)
     -You must save this file to your computer for it to work correctly. Does not work on Mac. (v. 8.1)
     -You will be required to upload your data file from this tool to the online service.
    -MPCA MMP spreadsheet user guide (wq-f6-12b)

Find construction guidance and location and notification requirements on the Construction, operation, and technical requirements page.

Permit public notices

Prior to issuing coverage under a NPDES or SDS permit, a 30-day public comment period is provided. NPDES and SDS permitting actions open for public comment are available at the link provided below.
Public notices explain:

     -How to submit written comment
      -The MPCA office where the application is being processed
      -How to request a public information meeting or a contested case hearing
      -How to submit a petition to the MPCA Commissioner

MPCA public notices and draft permits are listed during the public comment period. (Note: There may or may not be feedlot-related public notices available in the current listing of public notices. Feedlot listings will include the term “Feedlot”.)

What other permits may be required?

This may not be a complete list of all required permits. Contact the MPCA, your county feedlot officer and local zoning officials for information about other possible requirements, such as setbacks from residential areas, other local zoning regulations, and stormwater pollution prevention controls.

     Construction stormwater: All feedlot construction activities that disturb one or more acres must comply with construction stormwater regulations, including the preparation of a stormwater pollution
     prevention plan. When feedlot construction activity will disturb 5 or more acres, the owner must apply for a construction stormwater permit, unless the feedlot has obtained coverage under a feedlot NPDES

NPDES/SDS construction stormwater permit
          -Stormwater control requirements at feedlot construction sites (wq-f6-75)

A  water use (appropriation) permit from the DNR is required for all users withdrawing more than 10,000 gallons of water per day or 1 million gallons per year.

Local ordinances regulating livestock in Minnesota (Minn. Dept. of Agriculture) has links to individual county feedlot ordinances.

Period of Issuance:

NPDES Permit: Five years.

SDS Permits: 10 years.

Length of Determination: Depends on the complexity of the permit.
Other Info:
Activity: Animal Feedlots
Water Quality
Air Emissions
License Detail URL:


Online services

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA)

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