The Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) administers the Minnesota Pool Code (Minn. Rules 4717.0150-.3975) and conducts plan review and inspection of pool construction or alteration.
Review Public Swimming Pools
Pool and Spa Plan Review Application (PDF)
For construction or alteration of a public pool, including swimming pools, wading pools, therapeutic pools, plunge pools, and spa pools
Pool Variance Request Form (PDF)
A variance request must be submitted in writing on the attached form, and must include the applicable fee.
Swimming Pool Injury/Drowning Report Form (PDF)
Use this form for pool injuries or drownings at a public pool.
Weekly Water Quality Report Form (PDF)
Used for reporting water quality at public pools
Plan Review and Inspection Fees
Swimming Pools, Wading Pools, Therapy Pools, each - $1,500
Spray Decks and Interactive Water Features, each - $1,500
Spa Pools, each - $800, each
Alterations not altering shape/size - $600
Slides - $600, each
Disinfection system change - $100
Request for Variance - $500
Second main drain addition -$600, each
*Checks should be made payable to Minnesota Department of Health
Public Pool Plan Review-Small Projects <$250,000
New Pool Construction - $1,500
Alterations - $600
Spa Pools - $800
Public Pool Plan Review-Large Projects >$250,000
All Projects (.5% of estimated value with cap) - $15,000
The project engineer or architect must sign and submit an Estimated Value List (EVL) for the project. The EVL must include the value of all items commonly reviewed by this department, including all slides and towers, all pumps, filters, chemical treatment systems, piping, decking, diving boards, ladders, railings, play structures, theme-work within 5 feet of water, fencing and the pool structure itself. The EVL need not include items that are commonly reviewed by another inspector, program or department, such as: electrical, the roof and walls, domestic drinking water and sewer system, HVAC, site prep, landscaping and lighting. The fee of 0.5% will be assessed to the EVL total, to a maximum of $10,000 per pool project. If the maximum fee is paid, the EVL is not required.
Public Pool Other Plan Review
Disinfection System Change - $100
Slides for Small Project or Alteration - $600