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Title: Access / Driveway Permit
Alternate Title:
Description: An Access / Driveway Permit is required whenever there is a request for change in access to or from a Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) right-of-way or a change in use of the property.
Subject: Roads and Highways
Utility Crossings
Creation Date: 9/11/2008 2:10:26 PM
Modification Date: 2/3/2025 2:50:10 PM
Agency Name: Transportation (MnDOT), Minnesota Department of
Agency URL:
Agency Description: The Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) provides a balanced transportation system. Responsible areas include aeronautics, highways, motor carriers, ports, public transit, railroads and pipelines.
Agency Phone: 800-657-3774
Agency Fax: Agency URL:
Agency Address: Transportation (MnDOT), Minnesota Department of
395 John Ireland Blvd.

St. Paul
MN 55155-1899

Unit Name: Utility Agreements and Permits
Unit URL:
Unit Description:
Unit Phone: 651-587-3713
Unit Fax: Contact person(s): Unit URL:
Unit Address:
395 John Ireland Blvd., Mail Stop 678

St. Paul
MN 55155-1899

Audience: Application URL:
Renewal URL:
Versa URL:

Required whenever there is a request for change in access to or from MnDOT R/W or a change in use of the property.

-Legal description of the property (see property or tax statement)

-Plans or drawings of the location.
-For private, single-family dwelling or field access, include one drawing showing the proposed location in relation to property lines and proposed buildings. Show all dimensions and if possible, draw to scale.

-For commercial, industrial or multiple dwelling access, include one copy of the site/plot plan and grading and drainage plan. Show all dimensions, drawn to scale.

-Show MnDOT right of way with any access control.

Following approval and deposit the applicant will receive instructions as to how the access must be constructed.

Following construction the Permit Section must be notified for final inspection.

Review will determine if turn lanes and/or bypass lanes are necessary.

Rules: 8810.0050

Statutes: 505


Application for Access/Driveway Permit (PDF)
Use this form for all requests for a driveway or other access point to a trunk highway.

Application for Utility Accommodation on Trunk Highway Right of Way (PDF)
Use this form to request permission to place, construct, and reconstruct utilities within trunk highway right of way, whether longitudinal, oblique, or perpendicular to the centerline of the highway.

Application for Miscellaneous Work on Trunk Highway Right of Way (PDF)
Use this form for minor work that includes installation of utility service connections that do not cross or parallel the roadway within trunk highway right of way; maintenance of utility facilities; installation of miscellaneous guy wires and anchors; placement of temporary obstructions on the right of way; temporary relocation of a more minor nature to accommodate a construction project; vegetation removal; manure force mains; community gardens; and spill cleanup.

Application for Drainage Permit (PDF)
Use this form for all types of drainage changes on trunk highway right of way.

Application for Parade/Special Event/Banner (PDF)
Use this form for all requests for a parade, special event or banner within trunk highway right-of-way.

Application for Soil and/or Water Sampling Permit (FKA TLA) (PDF)
Use this form for water or soil sampling to track contamination from other sources.  It may be used to install wells for continued water sampling. It will be used to approve work for the necessary collection or sampling of soil and/or water, the traffic control needed, and the cleanup and repair of the trunk highway right of way or rail bank property from that work.

Application for Mowing/Haying Permit (PDF)
Use this form for all requests to mow-hay within trunk highway right of way.

Mowing/Haying Early Application Authorization (PDF)


MnDOT requires utility owners to have a bond or supply a money order or cashier’s check before issuing a permit.

Utility Surety Bond Form – Individual (PDF)
Use this form for work on an individual project

Utility Surety Bond Form – Continuing (PDF)
Use this form to establish an ongoing bond on file that covers all utility permits by a single company

Continuing Bond Report (PDF)
A list of utility owners and contractors that carry a continuing bond to cover their utility work within MnDOT right of way

Applications are available at Utility agreements and permits and Land Management

Permits are processed in the district offices. Refer to Utility Agreements and Permits Contacts 


Following Access Permit approval, applicant will be notified of the amount of deposit, if any, required (cashier check, money order, surety bond only). The amount of the deposit depends on the potential damage that could occur.

If the construction of the access is satisfactory, the deposit will be returned to the applicant.

The owner will construct the access at his/her own expense.

Period of Issuance:

One year.

Length of Determination: 30 days - but may vary due to complexity of the project.
Other Info:
Activity: Utilities
Roads and Highways
License Detail URL:

Utility Agreements and Permits

MnDOT digital communications

Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT)

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