Title: State Iron Ore/Taconite Lease
Alternate Title: Hold
Description: Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR)
Subject: Iron Ore
Creation Date: 9/11/2008 2:17:42 PM
Modification Date: 8/28/2024 8:29:32 AM
Agency Name: Natural Resources (DNR), Minnesota Department of
Agency URL: https://www.dnr.state.mn.us
Agency Description:
The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) manages the state's natural resources, hunting, fishing, state forests, state parks, lakes, rivers, streams, boating and water safety, trails, snowmobiling, skiing, education, enforcement, wildlife management, lands and minerals.
Agency Phone: 651-296-6157
Agency Fax: Agency URL: https://www.dnr.state.mn.us
Agency Address: Natural Resources (DNR), Minnesota Dept. of
500 Lafayette Rd.
St. Paul
MN 55155
Division Name: Land Acquisition and Legal Services Section
Division URL:
Division Description:
Division Phone: 651-259-5959
Division Fax: 651-297-3517
Division URL:
Division Address:
500 Lafayette Rd., Box 45
St. Paul
MN 55155-4045 |
Audience: Hold
Application URL:
Renewal URL:
Versa URL:
State lands under the jurisdiction and control of the commissioner of natural resources may be leased for the mining and removal of iron ore and taconite ore. The leases are usually issued through negotiation, but may also be issued through public lease sale. The leases require the approval of the State Executive Council.
This lease is for parties able to conduct mining operations. Further information on the leasing procedures and the lease requirements may be found in Minn. Stat. Chapter 93
Statutes: 93.20
When lands are offered through public lease sale, a bidding form
will be available upon request. For leasing through negotiation,
send letter of interest with information on area and mining
Application fee for each negotiated lease - $100
Application per lease for bidding on a lease at a public sale - $100
(The lease will require rental and royalty payments)
Period of Issuance:
Up to 50 years.
Length of Determination: The process of negotiating a lease and obtaining approval by the State Executive Council will take at least several months. The public lease sale process will take at least four months, with notice requirements, bid opening, and approval by the State Executive Council.
Other Info:
Activity: Mining and Minerals
Lands, Public
Iron Ore
License Detail URL:
Lands and Minerals

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