Yard waste only sites
Compost sites that accept yard waste must follow state rules regarding site location, design, and management. Yard waste, which includes garden waste, leaves, lawn clippings, weeds, shrub and tree waste, cannot be disposed of in Minnesota landfills.
Yard waste compost facility siting and management considerations (w-sw1-03)
Yard waste compost facility PBR notification is now available online. Complete the local acknowledgment form before using e-Services.
Yard waste: Completing the e-services notification (w-sw3-56)Yard waste only sites
Compost sites that accept yard waste must follow state rules regarding site location, design, and management. Yard waste, which includes garden waste, leaves, lawn clippings, weeds, shrub and tree waste, cannot be disposed of in Minnesota landfills.
Yard waste compost facility siting and management considerations (w-sw1-03)
Yard waste compost facility PBR notification is now available online. Complete the local acknowledgment form before using e-Services.
Yard waste: Completing the e-services notification (w-sw3-56)
Yard waste local acknowledgment form (w-sw3-55)