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Title: Minnesota Ski Pass
Alternate Title:
Description: All cross-country skiers on ski trails in State Parks or Forests, or on State or Grant-in-Aid Trails, who are aged 16 and above must have a Minnesota Ski Pass. The ski pass must be signed and carried when skiing. Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR)
Subject: Skiing
Creation Date: 9/11/2008 2:15:04 PM
Modification Date: 8/28/2024 7:41:05 AM
Agency Name: Natural Resources (DNR), Minnesota Department of
Agency URL:
Agency Description: The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) manages the state's natural resources, hunting, fishing, state forests, state parks, lakes, rivers, streams, boating and water safety, trails, snowmobiling, skiing, education, enforcement, wildlife management, lands and minerals.
Agency Phone: 651-296-6157
Agency Fax: Agency URL:
Agency Address: Natural Resources (DNR), Minnesota Dept. of
500 Lafayette Rd.

St. Paul
MN 55155

Unit Name: Licensing Center
Unit URL:
Unit Description:
Unit Phone: Unit Fax: Contact person(s):
Unit URL:
Audience: Hold Application URL:
Renewal URL:
Versa URL:

Review Minnesota Ski Pass

All cross-country skiers on public ski trails who are aged 16 and above must have a Minnesota Ski Pass. A ski pass must be signed and carried with when skiing. Ski pass fees help support Minnesota's cross-country ski trail system.

Contact the MN Dept. of Natural Resources Information Center at 651-296-6157 or 888-646-6367 or refer to Minnesota Department of Natural Resources

Refer to Cross-country skiing for information on; Ski trails in State Parks, State Forests and State Trails; Cross-country ski trails around the state; Check trails where a Minnesota ski pass is required;and Trail conditions. 

For more detailed information Contact the DNR

Daily ski pass - $10

One-year: $25 (Effective July 1 to June 30)

Three-year: $70 (Effective July 1 to June 30 for three years, including the purchasing season.)

Duplicate passes: $2.50

Period of Issuance:

One season pass: from July 1 thru June 30 of following year.

Three season pass: from July 1 thru June 30 for three year period.

Length of Determination: Immediate to two weeks, depending on how pass is purchased.
Other Info:
Activity: Recreation
Cross-Country Skiing
License Detail URL:

Minnesota Ski Pass

DNR License Agents:
Electronic License System (ELS)
ELS gives three options for buying licenses: Online, phone or in person. 

Online License Sales   

Daily, One-season and Three-season ski pass
Call 888-665-4236 (1-MN-LICENse), 24 hours a day, seven days a week. This toll-free call provides immediate licensing by way of a license identification number, which will be issued at the time of the call. The license identification number is valid until an actual license is received in the mail. All purchases must be made by credit card. There is $3.50 convenience fee per call.

Daily, One-season and Three-season ski pass
Use the License Agents search tool to search by county to find a location where you can buy hunting and fishing licenses and ski passes and apply for hunting lotteries in person.

Minnesota State Parks:
Purchase of a daily pass may be made in person at all parks except Carley, Crosby Manitou, Monson, or Schoolcraft state parks.

Self-registration for daily, annual and three-year ski passes will be available in parks with ski trails this winter. A mail-in envelope and an application will be provided for the purchaser. Payment or credit card information, along with a signature and personal information, will be required from the purchaser. The purchaser will retain a receipt until the ski pass arrives in the mail.

DNR License Center:
Get daily, one-season and three-season on site at the DNR central office License Center, 500 Lafayette Road, St. Paul, MN (Directions to the DNR)

One-season or Three-season ski pass.

Purchase a One-season or Three-season ski pass by mail (Daily pass not available by mail). 

Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR)

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