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Title: Motor Vehicle Dealer License
Alternate Title:
Description: Minnesota Department of Public Safety (DPS)
Subject: Motor Vehicle Dealers
Private Vehicles
Recreational Vehicles
Creation Date: 9/11/2008 2:15:17 PM
Modification Date: 11/19/2024 3:31:49 PM
Agency Name: Public Safety (DPS), Minnesota Department of
Agency URL:
Agency Description: The Minnesota Department of Public Safety (DPS) is responsible for the Bureau of Criminal Apprehension (BCA), Alcohol and Gambling Enforcement, Driver and Vehicle Services (DVS), Emergency Communication Networks, Homeland Security and Emergency Management, Office of Justice Programs, State Fire Marshal, Pipeline Safety, State Highway Patrol, Capitol Security and Traffic Safety.
Agency Phone: 651-201-7000
Agency Fax: Agency URL:
Agency Address: Public Safety (DPS), Minnesota Dept. of
445 Minnesota Street

St. Paul
Unit Name: Dealers
Unit URL:
Unit Description:
Unit Phone: 651-201-7800 - Dealership licensing, file a dealer complaint
651-282-6555 TTY
Unit Fax: 651-297-1480
Contact person(s):
Unit URL:
Unit Address:
445 Minnesota St., Suite 186

St. Paul
MN 55101-5186

Audience: Hold Application URL:
Renewal URL:
Versa URL:

Review Dealers

You must have a Minnesota motor vehicle dealer license if you:  
  • Engage in the business of leasing, selling or arranging the sale of motor vehicles.
  • Have leased or sold more than five vehicles, wholesale or retail, in a 12-month period.
  • Are in the business of selling used vehicle parts or processing and selling scrap metals acquired from vehicles.
  • Conduct consignment sales or arrange sales or leases.

Dealer types

Dealer license requirements
Liability insurance

Liability insurance is required on all vehicles held for sale or resale in Minnesota.  
  • Minimum limits are: $30,000 per person, $60,000 per accident, $10,000 property damage, $25,000 per person/$50,000 per accident under and uninsured motorist liability protection, $20,000 medical and $20,000 non-medical personal injury protection.  
  • Liability insurance is required if a lease is for 120 days or more.

  • Surety bond
  • Surety bond of $50,000 is required for all dealers, except DSB (motorized bicycle, boat and snowmobile trailers, which requires a surety bond of $5,00).

   Dealerships are considered a commercial operation and must be in a commercial location. In agricultural and industrial areas, zoning officials may consider issuing special use permits
   for a commercial operation.

   Commercial building requirement

Dealers must have a commercial building, which is a permanent, enclosed building on a permanent foundation. It must be connected to local sewer and water facilities or complies with local
   sanitation codes, adapted for commercial use and conform to local governments zoning requirements.

   The location must meet all requirements listed on the dealer commercial checklist.

   Failure to meet the requirements or any misstatement on the checklist may result in the denial of the dealer license. Any applicant denied a dealer license must wait one year to reapply. Used
   license applicants are encouraged to submit photos of the commercial building, designated display lot and exterior sign.

   Other licenses and zoning approval

   Please be aware that while dealers may meet state requirements for dealer licensing, other city, county, state or federal regulations may govern your business.

  • A separate license is required if the dealer is selling in a city with less than 100,000 population, outside the Twin Cities Metro Area.  
  • Zoning approval or a city license may also be required in some locations.

Contact the local city government for more information. 

Dealer training and information

Rules: 7400.0100 - .6000

Statutes: 168.27


New motor vehicle dealer licensing forms

Used motor vehicle dealer licensing forms

Vehicle salvage pool licensing forms

Motor vehicle auctioneer licensing forms

Motor vehicle lessor licensing forms

Limited use vehicle licensing forms

Motor vehicle wholesaler licensing forms

Motor vehicle broker licensing forms

Used motor vehicle parts licensing forms

Scrap metal processor dealer licensing forms

Drive-away / in-transit licensing forms

DSB motor vehicle dealer licensing forms


Dealer Licensing Fees

Type Fee
Dealer licenses (all types except dealer of motorized bicycle, boat, and snowmobile trailers(DSB)) $250
Dealer license renewal (all types except DSB) $150
Dealer license renewal late fee (all types except DSB) $100
DSB - dealer of motorized bicycle, boat, and snowmobile trailers license $10
Dealer plates

$86 each (first 4)

$51 each (5 and over)  

DSB dealer, in-transit and moped/motorbike plates $16
Duplicate plate (includes sticker) $16.25
Duplicate sticker $12.50

Period of Issuance:

One year starting with the month the license is issued.

Length of Determination: 3 to 5 days.
Other Info:
Activity: Motor Vehicle Dealers and Related
Motor Vehicle
License Detail URL:



Online Services

MN Dept. of Public Safety (DPS)

Social Media


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