Require Chemigation Permit Program
Applicants must supply information described in Minn. Rules 1505.2200, Subpart 4 or otherwise required by the commissioner.
Compliance with anti-pollution requirements including, but not limited to main line back-flow prevention is required.
On-site inspection by MN Department of Agriculture staff may be done to check compliance.
See Minn. Stat. § 18B.08 (pesticide) and Minn. Stat. § 18C.205 (fertilizer).
Chemigation Permit Application
Substantial Alteration Chemigation Permit Application
Approved Chemigation Application Record
Chemigation System Inspection Report
Additional Chemigation program information, forms are available at Chemigation Permit Program
Chemigation permit application fee for fertilizers is $50 and for chemigation pesticides is $250 (not refundable) for the initial permit.
No additional fee is required for revising/renewing an existing chemigation permit or for a new substantial alteration permit.
A chemigation permit is effective continuously from date of initial application. A new permit application is required when the operator or owner of the chemigation system changes. The chemigation permit is non-transferrable.
Online Licensing and Payment Options