Title: High Pressure Pipefitter (HPP) Contractor
Alternate Title:
Description: Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry (DLI)
Subject: High Pressure Piping
Creation Date: 9/11/2008 2:13:44 PM
Modification Date: 8/16/2024 4:21:37 PM
Agency Name: Labor and Industry (DLI), Minnesota Department of
Agency URL: http://www.dli.mn.gov
Agency Description:
The agency oversees the state's programs for apprenticeship, construction codes and licensing, dual-training (PIPELINE Program), occupational safety and health, wage and hour standards, workers' compensation and youth skills training programs. The Office of Combative Sports, within the Department of Labor & Industry, ensures Minnesota's combative sporting events are conducted in a manner that minimizes injuries and ensures fair competition.
Agency Phone: 651-284-5005
Agency Fax: Agency URL: http://www.dli.mn.gov
Agency Address:
443 Lafayette Road N.
St. Paul
MN 55155
Division Name: Construction Codes and Licensing Division (CCLD)
Division URL: http://www.dli.mn.gov/about-department/our-areas-service/construction-codes-and-licensing
Division Description:
Division Phone: Division Fax: Division URL: http://www.dli.mn.gov/about-department/our-areas-service/construction-codes-and-licensing
Unit Name: Licensing and Certification Services
Unit URL:
Unit Description:
Unit Phone: 651-284-5034
Unit Fax: Contact person(s): dli.license@state.mn.us
Unit URL:
Application URL: https://www.dli.mn.gov/license
Renewal URL: https://www.dli.mn.gov/license
Versa URL:
Review High Pressure Piping Contractors
High pressure piping contractors must first employ an individual who has a master pipefitter license. The business may then apply for a Minnesota high pressure piping contractor license. After the business has met these requirements, it may apply for a permit to install or fabricate high pressure piping. The business must also employ licensed journeyworker pipefitters to install or fabricate the high pressure piping.
FAQs About High Pressure Piping
Rules: 5230.0010 - .1270
Statutes: 326.46
HPP business contractor license application
Certificate of responsible licensed individual contracting HPP pipefitter
Surety bond
Business disclosure form
Certificate of Compliance - Minnesota Workers' Compensation
Certificate of insurance
Address change form
Forms and applications are available at High Pressure Piping Contractor License
Initial Application (NEW) - $188
Renewal Application (not expired) - $188
Renewal Application (expired includes late fee) - $278
Go to Payment Center
Period of Issuance:
Length of Determination: One week.
Other Info:
Activity: High Pressure Pipefitter
High Pressure Piping
License Detail URL:
High Pressure Piping Contractors
License and Registration Lookup
High Pressure Piping Permits