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Title: Notification of Asbestos-Related Work and Amendments
Alternate Title: Notification of Asbestos-Related Work and Amendments
Description: A notifiable project is a regulated project involving the removal, encapsulation or enclosure of friable asbestos-containing material or asbestos-containing material that will become friable during the project. The contractor is required to follow all Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) rules when working on a notifiable project.
Subject: Asbestos
Creation Date: 9/15/2008 12:03:45 PM
Modification Date: 2/3/2025 2:40:48 PM
Agency Name: Health (MDH), Minnesota Department of
Agency URL:
Agency Description: The Minnesota Department of Health is the state's lead public health agency, responsible for protecting, maintaining and improving the health of all Minnesotans.
Agency Phone: 651-201-5000
Agency Fax: Agency URL:
Agency Address: Health, Minnesota Dept. of
625 Robert St. N.
P.O. Box 64975
St. Paul
Division Name: Asbestos Unit
Division URL:
Division Description:
Division Phone: 651-201-4620
Division Fax: Division URL:
Audience: Application URL:
Renewal URL:
Versa URL:

There are four situations where MDH must be notified of an asbestos project:
1. Single project: If your project at a facility meets the following three requirements, then your project is notifiable:
  1. the material being removed, enclosed or encapsulated is greater than 1% asbestos; and
  2. the material is friable; and
  3. the quantity of material exceeds:
  • 260 linear feet on pipes; or
  • 160 square feet on other components; or
  • 35 cubic feet if linear or square feet can't be determined
2. Series of small projects: A series of small related or unrelated projects at a facility conducted in a calendar year may be regulated by MDH. If the total quantity of material being worked on exceeds 260 linear feet, 160 square feet or 35 cubic feet, then those series of small projects are regulated by MDH. Those projects are regulated by MDH from the start of the projects, not when the quantities have been surpassed.
3. Maintenance projects: Scheduled maintenance projects at a facility conducted in a calendar year may be regulated by MDH. If the total amount of material being worked on exceeds 260 linear feet, 160 square feet or 35 cubic feet, that maintenance activity is regulated by MDH, from the start of the projects.
4. Residential projects: If your project is in a single family or a multi-family residence and meets the following three requirements, then your project is notifiable:
  1. the material being removed, enclosed or encapsulated is greater than 1% asbestos; and
  2. the material is friable; and
  3. the material is being worked on exceeds:
  • 10 linear feet on pipes; or
  • 6 square feet on other components; or
  • 1 cubic foot if linear or square feet can't be determined

Rules: 4620.3410 - .3430

Statutes: 326.74



Variance Request for Asbestos or Lead - Apply Online
To request a variance of a the Asbestos-related Work Notification and Asbestos Training Course Notification.


$35 permit fee
2% permit fee for all projects, residential and nonresidential, with more than 260 linear or 160 square feet of RACM.
Notification must be made to MDH five calendar days prior to the start of asbestos-related activities. The 1% fee must be submitted with the Asbestos Air Monitoring Notification. If the total cost of the project is not known until the project has been invoiced, the contractor must estimate the total cost and the corresponding 1% fee.
If the project costs increase during a project, the contractor must pay 1% of the increase to MDH. If the project costs decrease, a request a refund from MDH may be made.

Period of Issuance:

The project permit expires on the end date stated on the notice or any amendment of the end date.

The completed notification form and 1% permit fee (or $35 permit fee for a small residential project) must be received by MDH at least five (5) calendar days before beginning asbestos-related work.

Length of Determination: The notification form, fee and if necessary the cost verification must be submitted at least five calendar days before the beginning of a project.
Other Info:
Activity: License Detail URL:

Asbestos Project Notification

Asbestos Professionals

Minnesota Department of Health


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