Title: Registered Accounting Practitioner (RAP) -Firm or Sole Proprietor
Alternate Title: Hold
Description: Minnesota State Board of Accountancy (BOA)
Subject: Accountants
Registered Accounting Practitioner (RAP)
Creation Date: 9/11/2008 2:16:45 PM
Modification Date: 2/11/2025 11:42:08 AM
Agency Name: Accountancy (BOA), Minnesota State Board of
Agency URL: https://boa.state.mn.us
Agency Description:
The mission of the Minnesota Board of Accountancy is to protect the public through the regulation of the practice of accounting by Certified Public Accountants, Registered Accounting Practitioners and others in Minnesota by: Ensuring that those entering the practice meet standards of competency by way of education, experience and examination; Establishing standards of practice for those certified or registered to practice; Requiring that anyone practicing or offering to practice accounting be certified or registered and continue to maintain their professional competence; Enforcing the laws, rules and standards governing the practice of accounting in Minnesota in a fair, expeditious and consistent manner.
Agency Phone: 651-296-7938
Agency Fax: 651-282-2644
Agency URL: https://boa.state.mn.us
Agency Address:
85 E. 7th Place, Suite 125
St. Paul
Unit Name:
Unit URL:
Unit Description:
Unit Phone: Unit Fax: Contact person(s): boa@state.mn.us
Unit URL:
Application URL: https://boa.state.mn.us/applicants.html
Renewal URL:
Versa URL:
RAP Firms
Initial MN License Applicants
Rules: 1105.7100 - .7500
Statutes: 326A
Period of Issuance:
All firm permits expire on December 31st of each year.
Length of Determination:
All RAP firm initial permit applications must be reviewed for approval at Board meetings.
Other Info:
Activity: Registered Accounting Practitioner (RAP)
License Detail URL:
RAP Firms
Accountancy (BOA), Minnesota State Board of