Review Waste and Recycling
Permit applications
Facilities seeking permits must provide both a completed application and supplemental information, such as an operations plan, closure plan, contingency action plan, and sampling/analysis plan. The application and other required information must be submitted together; previously submitted plans and specifications will not be considered for the permit application. Submit both a hard copy and a PDF version of the application form, checklists, and supporting documents.
Application checklists
MPCA staff have developed checklists to help you ensure that your permit application includes all the required information. Be sure to complete all checklists that apply to your facility, and include them with your application.
Solid waste facility application checklist (w-sw7-32)
Metro permit review application checklist (w-sw7-44)
SSOM compost facility application checklist (sw3-54)
Checklist for a site suitability workplan for a source-separated compost facility (w-sw3-52)
Solid waste compost facility application checklist (w-sw7-39)
Demolition debris land disposal facility application checklist (w-sw7-35)
Hydrogeologic evaluation form for demolition landfills (w-sw5-05)
Generic template: Industrial Solid Waste Management Plan (ISWMP) for construction and demolition (C&D) waste landfills (w-sw3-36)
Industrial waste landfill application checklist (w-sw7-36)
Municipal solid waste (MSW) combustor ash land disposal facilities application checklist (w-sw7-38)
Mixed municipal solid waste (MSW) land disposal facility application checklist (w-sw7-37)
Solid waste transfer station application checklist (w-sw7-33)
Refuse-derived fuel processing facility application checklist (w-sw7-34)
No fees.
Up to 5 years; permit may then be reissued.