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Title: Snowmobile Registration
Alternate Title:
Description: Snowmobiles operated or transported in Minnesota must be registered with the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR). If a snowmobile is not registered, it may not be operated, transported, or permitted to be operated. A person must be at least 18 years old to register a snowmobile.
Subject: Snowmobiles
Creation Date: 9/11/2008 2:17:20 PM
Modification Date: 8/28/2024 5:15:55 PM
Agency Name: Natural Resources (DNR), Minnesota Department of
Agency URL:
Agency Description: The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) manages the state's natural resources, hunting, fishing, state forests, state parks, lakes, rivers, streams, boating and water safety, trails, snowmobiling, skiing, education, enforcement, wildlife management, lands and minerals.
Agency Phone: 651-296-6157
Agency Fax: Agency URL:
Agency Address: Natural Resources (DNR), Minnesota Dept. of
500 Lafayette Rd.

St. Paul
MN 55155

Unit Name: Registration and Titling Section -Watercraft, Recreational motor vehicle & snowmobile registrations
Unit URL:
Unit Description:
Unit Phone: 651-296-2316
651-296-5484 (TTY Metro area)
800-657-3929 (TTY)
Unit Fax: Contact person(s):
Unit URL:
Audience: Hold Application URL:
Renewal URL:
Versa URL:

Snowmobile registration procedures and fees

Registration procedures

The State of Minnesota requires only a current registration on snowmobiles. At this time, you do not need a certificate of title for your snowmobile.

Two options for snowmobile registration

A snowmobile may now be registered for trail use or non-trail use.

  1. The trail use registration fee is $113.50 for 3 years and includes unlimited use of Minnesota's 22,000 miles of state and grant-in-aid trails.

  2. The non-trail use registration fee is $53.50 for 3 years and is not transferable. A snowmobile that is registered for non-trail use may NOT be operated on a state or grant-in-aid trail including a grant-in-aid trail in a road right-of-way.
    • A non-trail use registration requires a new registration number to be affixed to the snowmobile.
    • A state trail sticker is not valid for use on a non-trail use registered snowmobile.
    • If an individual wants to use a non-trail use registered snowmobile on a state or grant-in-aid trail, the snowmobile will need to be re-registered for trail use and a new registration number will be assigned.
    • A non-trail use registration decal will be yellow in color.

Snowmobile definition
"Snowmobile" means a self-propelled vehicle originally manufactured and designed for travel on snow or ice steered by skis or runners. Snowmobile does not include the following vehicles equipped with aftermarket ski and track configurations:

  • An all-terrain vehicle
  • An off-highway motorcycle
  • An off-road vehicle
  • A mini truck
  • A utility task vehicle, or any other vehicle being operated off road.

Register your new snowmobile:

Renew your snowmobile registration:

  • In person at any deputy registrar of motor vehicles opens in a new browser tab
     (where you license your car) or at the DNR License Bureau in St. Paul (500 Lafayette Road, St. Paul, MN). 
  • Online using the online licensing system.
  • If you are not the registered owner a person may renew for you only if they have the DNR generated renewal notice or, they must provide a Consent to Renew Registration form or show proof of being the Power of Attorney.
  • Consent to Renew Registration form (PDF)

Duplicate snowmobile safety cards are available:

Collector snowmobiles

Special permit: A special permit is available for people or organizations to operate or transport a collector snowmobile without registration for parades or organized group outings, such as races, rallies, and other promotional events, and for up to 10 days each year for personal transportation. “Collector snowmobile” means a snowmobile that is 25 years old or older, was originally produced as a separate identifiable make by a manufacturer, and is owned and operated solely as a collector’s item.
Permit to operate or transport collector snowmobile(s) PDF

Snowmobiles 25 years old or older may be registered for unlimited use. This registration is non-transferrable. The collector registration does not expire and is valid until the ownership of the snowmobile is transferred. A snowmobile state trail sticker is required if you operate on a state or grant-in-aid trail.

Refer to the information in the MN Dept. of Natural Resources (DNR) 2023 Minnesota Snowmobile Safety Laws, Rules and Regulations

MN Snowmobile Safety Laws, Rules & Regulations 



Universal registration form (PDF)

Permit to operate or transport collector snowmobile(s)  PDF


Snowmobile registration fees

Type of transaction Fee Issuing fee Duration
Trail use registration 1$05 $8.50 3 fiscal years
Non-trail use registration   $45 $8.50 3 fiscal years
Renewal - trail use registration $105 $6 3 fiscal years
Renewal - non-trail use registration   $45 $6 3 fiscal years
Transfer - trail use registration only     $10 $8.50  
Collector registration (unlimited use)     $6 $8.50  Non-expiring
Renewal & transfer - trail use registration $115 $8.50  
Duplicate registration card    $10 $6  
Duplicate registration decal only     $0 $6  
Dealer's registration (new)   $50 $8.50 1 year
Dealer's registration (renewal)   $50 $6  
Manufacturer's registration (new or renewal) $150 $8.50 1 year
Manufacturer's registration (new or renewal) $150 $6 1 year
Annual State Trail sticker   $50 $1 Nov.1 - Apr.30
Annual State Trail sticker (Penalty)     $70 $1 Nov.1 - Apr.30

Period of Issuance:


Length of Determination: Immediate for most licenses.
Other Info:
Activity: Snowmobiles
Motor Vehicle
Off-highway Vehicles (OHVs)
License Detail URL:

Snowmobile registration procedures and fees


Register a new snowmobile:/ Renew snowmobile registration
In person at any DVS (Driver and Vehicle Services) office locations or at the DNR License Center.

Duplicate snowmobile safety cards are available:

 Online License Sales

  At DNR License Agents
  At the MN Dept. of Natural Resources (DNR) License Center
  By phone: 888-665-4236

Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR)

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