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Title: Structural Pest Control Applicator (SPCA) / Company License
Alternate Title:

Structural Pest Control licenses are for companies and their employees that control structural pests on or in structures. Minnesota Department of Agriculture (MDA)

Subject: Pesticides
Creation Date: 9/11/2008 2:17:46 PM
Modification Date: 1/30/2025 1:42:52 PM
Agency Name: Agriculture (MDA), Minnesota Department of
Agency URL:
Agency Description: The mission of the Minnesota Department of Agriculture (MDA) is to enhance all Minnesotans’ quality of life by equitably ensuring the integrity of our food supply, the health of our environment, and the strength and resilience of our agricultural economy.
Agency Phone: 651-201-6000
Agency Fax: Agency URL:
Agency Address:
625 N. Robert Street

St. Paul
Division Name: Pesticide Licensing
Division URL:
Division Description:
Division Phone: Division Fax: Division URL:
Audience: Hold Application URL:
Renewal URL:
Versa URL:


Pesticide Applicator Licensing

Structural pest Control Applicator License Requirements

Determine Your License Type

Determine your license type:

  • Commercial: applicator makes pesticide applications for-hire (customers are billed or invoiced)
  • Noncommercial: applicator makes applications of Restricted Use Pesticides as part of his/her job on property owned or controlled by the employer; or for two or more governmental units sharing resources through a joint powers agreement.
  • Structural: applicator makes pesticide applications in, on, or around structures 
  • Private Applicators (typically farmers)

How to Apply for a Commercial or Noncommercial Pesticide Applicator License

Structural Pest Control License Requirements

Structural Pest Control Applicators (SPCAs) are persons who apply pesticides or use any device to control, mitigate, or repel pests that are in, on, or around structures and work for a licensed Structural Pest Control Company. (See company license requirements listed below.) This work is for-hire, which means you charge or invoice customers for services. SPCA may not commercially apply any pesticide UNTIL they have a valid license, either the electronic facsimile from our webpage or the plastic wallets-sized card . A Fumigation Endorsement can be added to a Structural Applicator License by taking an additional exam.  This endorsement allows a licensed applicator to use fumigants in stored grain and structures.

How to Apply for a Structural Pest Control Applicator (SPCA) License, Journeyman or Master Categories:

  1. Apply for a license by paying the application fees: MDA strongly encourages new applicators to apply online prior to the testing appointment. Otherwise complete the application form including the name, address (physical and mailing address, if different) and phone number of your employer.  Provide your social security number. Certify that the financial requirements are met. See Workers' Compensation Insurance & Social Security Number Requirements
  2. Payment or proof of online payment must be presented to the test proctor before taking the certification exams.
  3. Take and pass Core (A) and SPCA Journeyman exams.  Contact a testing location to schedule your exam. 
  4. Study Materials for the exams may be ordered from University of Minnesota Bookstores Extension Publications or call 612-301-3989.
Structural Pest Control Company License
To obtain a Structural Pest Control Applicator license, applicators must be employed by a licensed Structural Pest Control Company. To be licensed as a company you must:
Structural Pest Control Renewal Requirements
In addition to the information for general renewal and recertification:
If an applicator fails to renew by March 31st, he or she must apply as a new applicant and schedule and pass required exams.
  • SPCA renewal application forms are mailed to the employer in November. The license fee is due at the time of renewal. Licenses can be renewed online, by mail or in person at the MDA. Applicators must meet recertification requirements every year before renewal.
  • If a license is not renewed by the expiration date of December 31st, the late fee is 50% of the license fee.
  • If an applicator fails to renew a structural pest control license within three months of its expiration and wants to become licensed, the applicator must meet the requirements. Follow the procedures as required for an initial license including taking the CORE (Category A) and SPCA Journeyman or Master exams.

Rules: 1505.1240

Statutes: 18B.32


New Pesticide Applicator License Application: Commercial or Noncommercial

New Structural Pest Control Applicator License Application

New Structural Pest Control Company License Application

New Applicators: Apply Online

Renew Pesticide Applicator License

Application forms are available at Pesticide Applicator Licensing


Pesticide Applicators/Commercial Animal Waste Fees

License Type


as of 1/2022

Initial License & Annual Renewal Total

Late Renewal 
Fee by Date


Commercial Applicator




March 1 / $25


Non Commercial Applicator




March 1 / $25


Non Commercial Government Applicator




March 1 / $5


Structural Pest Control Applicator




Jan 1 / $25


Structural Pest Control Company




Jan 1 / $100


Private Pest Applicator Certificate



(renew every 3 years)


$  5

CAWT Applicator
(Commercial Animal Waste Technician)




Mar 1 / $12.50


CAWT Site Manager




Mar 1 / $25


CAWT Company




Mar 1 / $50


Period of Issuance:

From date of issuance through December 31.

Length of Determination: Approximately 1-3 weeks.
Other Info:
Activity: Pesticides
License Detail URL:

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Minnesota Department of Agriculture (MDA)

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